how to age well

How to age well

Getting older can bring challenges that are felt by the whole family; let's face them head on together.

At Home Instead, we’re here to help the UK age well

Growing old can be difficult, both for the person who’s ageing and their family. It can be frustrating because they can’t do everything they used to and perhaps feel as if they’re losing their independence. There is only so much that loved ones can do to help.At Home Instead, we help people age well by making it possible for them to stay at home whilst receiving high-quality, dignified care, whatever their needs are. Learn more about how we can help with care costs and funding.

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how to age well

How do people react to ageing?

There is no simple answer. As a parent becomes older, you might spot some changes in their behaviour. Perhaps they start to forget appointments, eat or drink less often, take more time to walk to the supermarket, or their eyesight might deteriorate. These are often early signs that it’s time to get some support.Having this conversation is not always easy. Your loved one might see this as the first step to losing their independence. But talking about care sooner rather than later makes it a more natural process that they can be in full control of.Worried your loved one is forgetting things too often? Take a look at our handy guide on how to spot the early signs of dementia.

Discover how we can help you
how to age well

Can home care slow ageing?

Home care has all sorts of benefits, not least the chance to stay in familiar surroundings. Often, homes are bursting with happy memories, so it can be heartbreaking and incredibly disruptive to move out, especially for people living with dementia. Residential care doesn’t have to be the answer for anyone struggling with day-to-day tasks. Your older loved one could benefit hugely from somebody making care visits to their home and giving their support when needed.Over the years we’ve found that caring for somebody at home early on can prevent accidents and even delay the need to move out. Our Care Professionals build a strong relationship with the person they visit, helping them spot any changes in health or behaviour and taking the necessary actions to prevent the situation from worsening.

Health & Wellbeing

We all need to take care of our health and wellbeing no matter our age. To help our clients as they grow older, we provide tips on looking at different ways to exercise or keep your mind active.


We aim to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy eating habits and reducing the risk of malnutrition to keep older people healthy at home and ageing well.

Mental Health

Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean your mental abilities will be impacted. Keeping an active mind can help keep you physically and mentally well in the comfort of your own home.


Frailty is a common condition in which older people become less able to recover from difficulties they experience during everyday life, such as a trip or fall. We offer advice on how to recover from falls alongside fall prevention solutions.

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