Cost of care in Northern Ireland

If you or your loved one require care, you might be entitled to financial support. Check whether you’re eligible.

cost of care in Northern Ireland

NHS funding

While most of us have to pay something towards the care we receive, those with ongoing significant health needs can get their care paid for through a scheme called NHS Continuing Healthcare.

To get NHS Continuing Healthcare you must:

  • have ongoing significant health needs, and
  • require care primarily because of the nature of your health needs.

The assessment process starts with the completion of a checklist by a nurse or a social worker trained to complete it. The checklist identifies what your needs are and shows whether you need to have a full NHS continuing healthcare assessment.

cost of care in Northern Ireland

According to Northern Ireland’s Department of Health, over two thirds of care packages in the country are nursing home care. 

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Local Authority funding

The Health & Social Care Trust in your area can provide services to help you. 

A health and social care assessment with the social services department of your local trust is often the first step towards getting the help and support you need. It will involve looking at your wellbeing and situation, before assessing your need. 

Direct payments are local Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust payments for people who have been assessed as needing help from social services, and who would like to arrange and pay for their own care and support services instead of receiving those services directly from the local trust.

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cost of care in Northern Ireland

Self-funding care and support

If you are not able to have your care funded by the HSCT, you can purchase your care using your liquid assets or use any of a range of financial products to help you pay for your care, including equity release.

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