Cost of care in Scotland

When beginning your care journey, it’s vital to know where you stand when it comes to funding. Here are the main considerations if you live in Scotland.

cost of care in Scotland

Get the facts first and understand what options you might have to contribute to your care costs.

Looking at your care options needn’t be a worrying or stressful time. For many, the first thought is whether you can afford the expense. But instead of thinking about what is within your budget, do your research to see if you can get any financial help or what you can do to alleviate the cost.

Here are some key considerations for funding care if you live in Scotland.

Local Authority funding

Contact your local council and arrange an assessment of your care needs. Alternatively, your GP, district nurse or health visitor can also arrange one for you.

The council might have a waiting list for care assessments, so let the social care department know if you need help urgently.

Your needs will be discussed with you during a home visit and afterwards the social care department will write to you and let you know what help you can get.

You should be advised which of the services you need are free and which would be chargeable. If chargeable, the social care department may be able to help you find someone to provide those services.

cost of care in Scotland

When it comes to receiving the funding, councils now have a legal duty to offer four options to people.

  • Option 1: a direct payment, which is a payment to a person or third party to purchase their own support.
  • Option 2: the person directs the available support and the payment goes straight to them.
  • Option 3: the local council arranges the support and directs the payment.
  • Option 4: a mix of the above.

You may not be eligible for all four options, but whichever one you choose, you should still be made aware of the amount of your budget.

cost of care in Scotland

Public Health Scotland estimates that over 91,000 people receive home care in Scotland. 

Get in touch

Self-funding care and support

If you are not able to have your care funded by the Local Authority, you can purchase your care using your liquid assets or using any of a range of financial products to help you pay for your care including equity release.

Contact Age Scotland and ask for their practical guide to arranging care.

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cost of care in Scotland

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