Cost of care in Wales

You might be entitled to some financial support if you or your loved one has a need for care. If you live in Wales, here is some advice on how you might be able to manage the cost.

cost of care in Wales

Looking into care options needn’t mean worrying about the cost. First, you should check your eligibility for receiving financial support.

It’s not just important to know what home care company is right for you, or what kind of care should be in your package. You should also look at whether you can get some help when it comes to funding that care.

People living in Wales should look into the following options to see whether they can get some financial help or manage their own assets to contribute to the cost of care.

NHS funding

Check your eligibility for NHS funding. The national framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare is a complete package of ongoing care arranged and funded solely by the NHS through local health boards. Those who are eligible will have a health-based need for care.

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Local Authority funding

Local Authorities have a duty to assess all people with care and support needs under the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014. You may have to pay up to a maximum of £100 a week for care if:

  • You have a high level of disposable income
  • You have savings and investments over £24,000, not including the value of your home.

In deciding charges for non-residential care, Local Authorities must allow you to keep a set amount to help you meet your daily living costs.

You can work with the Local Authority to decide how your care and support needs will be met using direct payments. You can decide who provides that support and control how, where and when it is delivered.

cost of care in Wales

Self-funding your care and support

If you are not able to have your care funded by the Local Authority or NHS, you can purchase your care using your liquid assets or use any of a range of financial products to help you pay for your care, including equity release.

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