Ascot Domiciliary Care: Help Choosing the Right Senior Service

Considering Ascot domiciliary care? Come on in and read our free guide. We'll show you exactly what to look for in a great service.

Home Instead Ascot care professional sitting next to her client smiling

What to Look For in a Great Ascot Domiciliary Service for Seniors

If you are looking for an Ascot domiciliary service (or home care domiciliary) for a senior family member, you don’t just want a good service; you want a great service. Here’s what to look out for to ensure you get that:

1. The range of domiciliary care and how they tailor services

At Ascot Home Instead, we call domiciliary care ‘home care and housekeeping’ because it covers a wider range of services for you to choose from.

What you are looking for in your research is a domiciliary carer who can help with

  • personal care (bathing, dressing and grooming)
  • medication-taking and monitoring services
  • daily tasks like cleaning, cooking, and shopping
  • and when you need it, provide specialised assistance (dementia care, mobility support, etc.).

Their service should be flexible, accommodating and, above all, personal. You do not want a blanket service option. You want a provider who will really help Mum or Dad with what they need specifically.

An elderly woman smiling while having a conversation with her daughter.

2. They should provide more than a drop-in service

Mum and Dad deserve a good deal of care in their domiciliary service, which is why we make a point to ensure that every client gets the time they need with their care professional. We don’t rush. We don’t leave before the job is done. And we never ignore jobs that need doing.

You’ll want that from your domiciliary care assistant.

3. They provide dedicated carers

A sea of new faces doesn’t scream reliability. It also doesn’t promote a sense of safety and comfort for clients, particularly older clients who are receiving care because they are less mobile, suffering from ill health or living with conditions like dementia.

Providing dedicated carers, as we do here at Home Instead, helps support Mum and Dad in all aspects of their wellness and helps build their confidence through social interaction and stronger relationships.

Always ask how care pros are selected and rotated between clients.

Home Instead Ascot Care Professional supporting client

4. Qualifications and experience of staff

Every carer who enters your home should be vetted and trained and have professional experience. Look for a home care company committed to providing more than just essential training.

5. Their approach to safety and comfort

The safety and comfort of your loved ones is your top priority in every service you book; domiciliary care is no different. Consider how the agency approaches a safe and comfortable living environment.

At Home Instead Ascot, we provide a free fall assessment with every client onboarding. During our home visit, we will be assessing for

  • Frailty and risk of falls
  • Hydration and nutrition needs
  • Mobility issues
  • Home assessment, slip and trip hazards
  • Footwear choices
  • Personal alarms

This helps us establish care plans alongside how we can help you improve your home for your loved one’s comfort and security. We revisit this care plan regularly to ensure their home is safe and provides the comfort they need as their care changes.

We also provide our falls assessment to non-clients, so if you are in the Ascot area, contact us using the button to book below.

Book your free falls assessment here
senior man standing with walking aid

6. Their approach to well-being support (companionship)

Your loved one’s well-being isn’t just about physical needs; there is an emotional and mental aspect that your home care should deliver. Here, we call that aspect companionship. We provide social engagement that combats the feelings of isolation and loneliness that exacerbate declining health.

You see, to us, care isn’t just about ‘doing’ things; it’s about helping people feel better as we help them. Our care pro Jen makes a great example you might want to read about – you’ll find that here.

We think that well-being is something you shouldn’t compromise on when you select a domiciliary care service.

7. Their approach to preserving independence

Mum and Dad want to stay independent for as long as possible. It’s good for their mind and body when they do. Having your care provider account for that is something you will definitely want to look for.

To us, that means offering flexible domiciliary care. We scale up and scale down as a client needs us. It also means being adaptable and offering different service components as Mum and Dad need them.

Kundi is one of our carers currently offering live-in care to Brian. She has been helping him with all aspects of his domiciliary needs and, most importantly, stepped in after his hospital stay to ensure that he has the help to get back to his earlier level of independence. You can read this inspiring story here.

Brian Lynch and his Care Pro Kundi in the sunshine in the garden

8. Great communication with families and inclusion in care plans

Care is complicated, and to manage it effectively, all parties need open and transparent communication. Ask how you’ll be included in care planning and when/how you will be updated about your loved one’s care.

At Home Instead Ascot, we pride ourselves on open communication. You’ll have open channels with care pros and your dedicated care manager.

9. Reputation in the community

Reviews, referrals and recommendations are a great starting point for understanding the reputation of the home care company you choose to work with.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is another excellent avenue for your research. They are the official independent regulator of health and social care in England.

Care professional celebrating a board game win with his client

Are You Looking for Ascot Domiciliary Care?

Contact Ascot Home Instead first, and let us show you what excellent home care looks like!

Call us today on 01276 903106