Family Carers - How We Can Help

“Unsupported, under-appreciated and under pressure” – the national cry for help from family carers at breaking point. We look at how Home Instead Basingstoke can help.

Family carer has problems with her dad's keys

We provide care for the elderly to help them remain comfortable and independent in their own homes for longer.

To find out more about why clients love Care at Home in Basingstoke by Home Instead, please:

give us a ring on 01256 840 660,

email us at [email protected]

or click on our enquiry button below.

Keeping loved ones active - Let's Move

As well as it’s various physical benefits including improving strength, balance and flexibility, exercise can also provide a sense of achievement which in turn boosts confidence and self esteem, improves our mood and reduces the risk of stress-related ailments.

Many participants at our weekly Let’s Move seated exercise classes are brought by family carers, who not only benefit from the exercise themselves but also appreciate the mental, physical and emotional enhancements that gentle and enjoyable exercise brings about in their loved ones.

Following the exercise, we often spend some time chatting as a group over tea and biscuits. Family carers appreciate the opportunity to meet others in similar situations, and their loved ones get an often rare opportunity for social interaction.

Home Instead client with a walker skipping in a hospital corridor

Providing mental stimulation - Let's Sing

Singing, particularly in a group, can be therapeutic for people living with dementia. It can:

  • Stimulate brain activity, and improve a person’s sense of wellbeing and general mood
  • Provide an opportunity for self-expression and encourage a feeling of positivity
  • Provide social interaction, help develop and maintain relationships, and combat loneliness
  • Prompt reminiscence, which is in itself a useful activity for those living with dementia

Our monthly Let’s Sing For Memories group singing sessions at Milestones Museum provide the opportunity for family carers to bring their loved ones for a good sing-song together, with the associated prospects of enhancement in the loved one’s mood and general wellbeing.

Let's Sing at Milestones Museum

Other community support sessions

As well as our regular events above, our Community Champions Janet and Dee provide bespoke ad hoc sessions for community groups, and can offer:

  • fun seated exercise
  • fun group singing
  • scams awareness
  • good nutrition
  • avoiding trips and falls
  • relaxation
Home Instead carer and her client preparing a meal together

Home care visits

Our approach to home care is characterised by

Specialists in dementia care in Basingstoke

Home Instead care manager introduces the carer to a Home Instead client

Live-in Care

We also offer temporary, part-time and long term packages of live-in care. Our care professional will live in the client’s home to be available as a companion and to help with personal care, medication, meal preparation, mobility support and many other tasks throughout the day. Our objective is to look after a client’s emotional and social well-being as well as their physical needs.

Home Instead client looking at iPad with her Home Instead carer

Live-in Care for Respite and Rehabilitation

We can provide temporary support with a live-in care package as short as a week, allowing family members to take a holiday reassured in the knowledge that their loved one is in safe hands.

Our live-in care service provides the option to receive post hospitalisation recovery support in the comfort and safety of a client’s own home. Our rehab package is personalised and flexible, and evolves to respond to the client regaining their mobility and independence. We can transition smoothly from live-in care to day care and on to visiting care, and thereby optimise the recovery journey.

Home Instead client celebrating her birthday with her Home Instead carer


As we provide hourly care as well as live-in, we are well placed to offer a full “wrap-around” service, so standard live-in care can be supplemented if necessary with visiting care professionals for moving & handling, waking nights, or to cover for daily breaks.

Home Instead client and her daughter at a bowling alley

If you’d like to find out more about our live-in care service please give us a ring on 01256 840 660, email us at [email protected] or visit: Live In Care in Basingstoke.