Paint It Pink For Cancer

Our Community Team of Janet and Dee joined other supporters at the recent Pink Place Brush Party - an evening of painting to raise funds for cancer support.

Janet and Dee with their paintings

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The Pink Place

The Pink Place is a charity set up in 2010 by Julia Dingwall and Janis Taylor to provide a local centre offering friendly cancer support for people in north Hampshire.

Our community team of Janet and Dee recently took part in their Brush Party at Howard Park Bowls Club – an evening of painting with a splash of music, laughter and fun.

Here’s how it all went.

Home Instead Basingstoke picture of two ladies enjoying painting on canvases in a brick-walled art studio with natural light coming through a window

First - get set up

Firstly, Janet and Dee set themselves up with easels and paint.

Here’s Janet collecting her paint – but what is she about to do with it?

Please don’t lick paint – we can provide support with nutrition through visits for housekeeping & home help

Janet collecting her paint

Dee gets down to work

Well Dee’s getting the hang of this.

She looks quite professional, don’t you think?

We can support clients to try their hand at painting, or get back into a forgotten hobby, through companionship care at home.

Dee painting at her easel, looking professional

As for Janet ...

Janet eventually got down to work – but is she taking this seriously?

And how much of that wine has she drunk?

For clients living with dementia, we provide specialist dementia care in basingstoke

Janet posing as an artist

Dee shows off her masterpiece

Meanwhile Dee has finished her painting.

Is that the right expression for a soon-to-be-famous artist?

Janet and Dee can be seen in action at our Let’s Move – seated exercise classes

Dee pulling a funny face in front of her painting

Paintings for sale

Here’s the finished product – they’ve done us proud!

Anyone need a flowery sea-side scene to hang in the loo?

A painting of pink and purple flowers by the seaside, with a stone path and a seagull flying in the sky

To be fair, this was proper artistry, not a case of “painting by numbers”, so congratulations to everyone who took part for your fantastic efforts and the skills on display.

Janet and Dee had a great time and were proud to have contributed to The Pink Place’s event, which raised £455.

More pictures of the event can be seen on The Pink Place’s Facebook page