Carer's Right Day

Celebrating the unsung heroes of home care

A round table with Chupa Chups lollipops, brochures, and pens, covered with a purple "Home Instead" tablecloth. - Home Instead

On 23rd November, Carer’s Rights Day, we were honoured to be invited to attend the Carers Conference organised by Carers UK and East Riding Carers Support Service.  This annual event  celebrates and raises awareness of the challenges facing unpaid carers.  There were over 100 attendees enjoying the event at Tickton Grange which included presentations from Councillor David Tucker and Dr Wendy Mitchell which were both informative and emotional.  The group were then lead through some chair-based exercises by the ERYC Health & Wellbeing Team.  St John Ambulance, a presentation on Patient & Carer Experience by Mandy Dawley and a visit from Canine Partners rounded out the morning.

After the lovely buffet lunch, attendees were invited to visit the stalls.  There was a wealth of information available on the stalls for Carers to take away with them including Lifeline, the Your Money team from ERYC, the Alzheimer’s Society, and of course Home Instead.  We shared information about falls prevention, nutrition and making homes safer.  All of these contain information to help family carers remain safe.  We also gave out lots of WOW Guides letting people know about all the activities going on in the area including our two companionship lunches.

You can find out more about the day and see some fabulous photos of the event here