Social groups for seniors in Bexhill, Battle, St Leonards and Hastings

Mixing with others, chatting, and being sociable continues to be important as we get older. Loneliness can have a serious impact on our health and wellbeing!

A group of elderly women sitting at a long table, engaging in arts and crafts activities in a room with blue curtains. - Home Instead

Why not join a social group in Bexhill, Battle, St Leonards or Hastings to stay connected and have fun throughout the Autumn and Winter?

As we age it can feel harder to be sociable than it once did. There are several regular social groups specifically for seniors in the area, attending by friendly and welcoming people like you.Here’s a list we’ve put together to help find something suitable in Bexhill, Battle, St Leonards and Hastings.

Home Instead Companionship Cafe

For the older members of our community, the Home Instead Companionship Café was launched in Bexhill in November 2020 – a hugely positive and beneficial event for all, especially those who struggle to get out. Activities including singalongs and crafting, along with refreshments, all guaranteed to lift the spirits!

The next Companionship Cafe will take place in January 2024, on the fourth Friday of every month from then. 10am-12pm, at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Cooden Drive, Bexhill. Contact Caroline at Home Instead at 01424 401402 to book your FREE place.

Hastings & St Leonards Seniors Forum

The Forum is a democratic, non-profit making, non-sectarian organisation, not affiliated to or connected directly with any political party or political organisation. Membership is open to all Seniors (age over 50 years) who are resident or active in Hastings & St Leonards regardless of race religion sex or politics.

The Forum runs various events including a coffee morning and four special interest groups which meet monthly and which all members are welcome to join. Coffee morning held at Central Hall, Bank Buildings, Station Road, Hastings. Call 07513 234307 for further details.

Battle Coffee Mornings

The Battle Emmanuel Centre, home of the Battle Methodist Church, runs a weekly coffee morning to which all are welcome. On sunny days the doors are opened to take in the sunshine!

The coffee morning run every Wednesday, 10am-12pm, at the Emmanuel Centre, Harrier Lane, Battle. Call: 01424 777029 for further details or follow their page on Facebook.

Bexhill Men’s Shed

The Men’s Shed is a workshop space where people in Bexhill can use and share their practical skills and life experiences to support each other in producing and repairing items. It’s a place to learn new skills or relax with soft drinks – a place to meet new friends and regain a sense of purpose, create a feeling of wellbeing, and to combat loneliness and isolation in a relaxed but safe environment.

Bexhill Men’s Shed is situated to the rear of 47 London Road. There are Men Only sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays, Mixed on Wednesday and Ladies Only on Thursdays, 9.30am – 4.30pm. Call: 07752061980 or email Derek. Further details on Facebook.

Fun and Friendship Club

This social club is a very relaxed group. There are plenty of games to play, Scrabble, jigsaws, table tennis, snooker, darts, table games, as well as knitting and refreshment. Everyone is welcome, with a charge of just £1 per session.

It takes place at Christchurch Methodist Church in Bexhill. Call the leaders for further information: Joan Turnwell (01424 216456) and Pam Malpass (01424 224785)

Book exchange and community cafe

Reading is a great activity to keep the mind active, and why not grab a hot drink and have a natter while exchanging a book or two in Battle?

This is a free event that takes place on the first Friday of each month, 10am – 11:30am, at Ninfield Methodist Church, Battle. Call David on 01424 892248 or email for further information.

Third Thursday Film Club

Join this Hastings Film Club on the third Thursday afternoon of the month, with the ticket price of only £5.00 for members and £6 for non-members. Look at the website to see what’s showing next and to book your ticket.

The venue is the Isabel Blackman Centre, Hastings. Email for further details or call 01424 235535.

Bexhill, Battle, St Leonards and Hasting has many activities and social groups or seniors. Social connections have many benefits and we hope our suggestions above are useful for you, or an older loved one, and you are able to get out and about soon.

There are many benefits to Home Instead’s companionship-based home care. We provide high quality, consistent, tailored care and support services to allow clients to continue living safely and happily in their own homes as they age. And our committed team of fully trained and compassionate Care Professionals are locally based across Bexhill, Battle, St Leonards and Hastings.