Compassionate Home Care in Bournemouth: A Tailored Approach to Your Loved Ones' Needs

Making decisions about care at home can feel challenging, particularly when a loved one requires additional support to manage their daily routines. Home Instead in Bournemouth and Christchurch stands out as a compassionate and professional local home care provider that prides itself on delivering customised care that adapts to the distinct requirements of each client. 

In this blog, we will outline the meticulous process through which Home Care can be arranged by our dedicated local team, from Westbourne and Eastcliffe in Bournemouth to St Catherine’s Hill and Walkford / Highcliffe in Christchurch.

“The most professional, organised and caring agency that has been to my mother.

An excellent manager of a well trained and experienced team, who ensured all care needs were met.

Excellent pre-assessment was undertaken followed by good care planning and record keeping. The family is always involved and kept updated of any change.”

SW, Daughter of client,

review via

Initial Enquiry

Everything begins with your initial enquiry. Whether you’ve been recommended our services by a healthcare professional or found us through your own research, our team is ready to listen. We understand the importance of a supportive ear and reassurance during this time. Our aim from the very first conversation is to comprehend your loved one’s situation and determine how we can best assist.

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Care Consultation

Following your enquiry, we arrange an obligation free face-to-face Care Consultation with the client. This visit is integral to our service. It allows us to build a relationship with the client and to assess not only their practical needs but also their personal preferences, habits, and interests. Our consultations are without pressure; we want clients to feel at ease discussing their circumstances in the comfort of their own homes.

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Care Consulation

Creating a Tailored Care Plan

Next, we develop a bespoke detailed Care Plan for each client. Our local client Mary is an example, where tailored care strategies specific to her needs have been crucial. The District Nurses Community Team recommended to Mary’s family that home support was needed to help her with her personal care. At Home Instead, we quickly discovered that it wasn’t that Mary couldn’t do it, it was more that she had previously knocked her confidence with an unwitnessed fall in the shower. This highlighted the importance of adaptability and close communication, as it was not just physical care she required but also psychological reassurance. Her tailored Care Plan started with dry runs in the shower, gradually building her confidence, until she was comfortable to shower independently. Involving family and Solent District Nurses ensured a considered, collaborative approach, ultimately resulting in a significant improvement in Mary’s skin condition and overall well-being.

Every Care Plan is a living document, meticulously prepared and regularly reviewed to adapt to the ever-changing needs of our clients. It encompasses everything from personal care to medication management, and it is always crafted with the input of the client and their family.

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An elderly woman with a cane smiles while talking to a younger woman who has her hand on the elderly woman's shoulder. - Home Instead

Matching Process

Finding the right Care Professional for each client is at the heart of our ethos. We believe care is more than just a service; it’s a companionship. As such, we take great care in matching clients to Care Professionals based on shared interests, personality traits, and the specific care requirements. This thoughtful matching process enhances the overall care experience.

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Matching Process

Looking After Your Loved Ones

At Home Instead Bournemouth and Christchurch, we offer more than just care. We offer a partnership, comfort, and unwavering support. By respecting our clients’ pace and preferences, we ensure a dignified and fulfilling at-home care experience. We are not just care providers; we are friends, listeners, and advocates.

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Looking after your loved ones

Learn more how we can help

If you or your loved one could benefit from our personalised home care services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Together, we can create a caring environment that encourages independence and enriches lives. Contact us today 01202 853197 to discuss how we can support you and your family in the Bournemouth and Christchurch area.