Dealing with Dementia

Home Instead helps families understand dementia after facing diagnosis, creating a unique care plan with a personal and friendly experience.

A woman embraces a child while speaking with an older woman sitting on a step, another woman nearby holds a watering can. - Home Instead

A dementia diagnosis is something many families fear as they see their loved ones get older. There are a whole host of symptoms, including memory loss, mood changes, and problems with reasoning and communication. The most common diagnosis is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are over a hundred conditions classed as dementia, such as dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s dementia. While a diagnosis might be expected, it can be difficult knowing who to turn to for support.
Organisations such as the Alzheimer’s Society and Age UK do a great job explaining the support that is available and pointing people in the right direction. But it can be overwhelming receiving so many leaflets and being directed to countless websites. Home Instead can act as a single source of advice for families facing the challenges of dementia. But not only that, when you get in touch, you can rest assured that you’re speaking to someone who has already helped so many people in the same position as you. With the right support in place, the best place to receive dementia care is your own home. We offer free consultations with a care manager trained to give you advice and devise a care plan tailored to you.
The training our care professionals receive is City & Guilds assured, and they are well equipped to not only provide practical day-to-day support, but also support somebody emotionally as a source of comfort. We always introduce care professionals to the client and their family before they provide any care; we never send a stranger to the front door. Continuity is critical to providing exceptional care, so we ensure our clients see the same care professionals every visit. It helps both parties bond and develop a strong relationship, particularly since they’re matched according to personality traits and shared interests. A strong, lasting relationship doesn’t only mean care visits being more enjoyable; care professionals can also pick up on any changes that they see in the client and flag any health concerns. Of course, as needs change the care plan must reflect that. Perhaps the dementia has progressed and an hour a day isn’t enough? We review care plans on a regular basis and discuss suggested changes with the client and their family.
There’s a lot to be gained from speaking to us shortly after a diagnosis, even if care isn’t needed at that point. We can help you plan for the future so that introducing care doesn’t have to be rushed and is stress-free.
As a local business, we can signpost families to helpful organisations in the area which we work closely with. This includes support groups like the Alzheimer’s Society’s singing groups and Dignifying Dementia in Prestwich. There are countless families facing the same challenges as you, and groups like this are a chance to share tips and understand you aren’t the only one in these circumstances. Dealing with what comes following a dementia diagnosis doesn’t have to be a stressful time. Get in touch with Home Instead and we can introduce another pair of safe hands to support your loved one, and help you continue enjoying the time
you spend together.