What causes excessive flatulence in older adults?

Problems with excessive flatulence in older adults

Flatulence is a natural bodily function, but when we experience too much of it this can feel uncomfortable, sometimes painful, and often embarrassing if it happens around others. Here, we are exploring why excessive flatulence may occur in older adults, the potential causes to be aware of, how to manage this symptom if you experience it regularly, the lifestyle changes you could make, natural remedies that could help, and when it may be time to seek medical advice. 

At Home Instead, our aim is to help people age positively and in place by bringing expert care to their home. For nearly 20 years, we have been providing the highest standard of care, and creating industry-leading training programmes for our Care Professionals that are accredited by nursing and medical professionals. Today, we are the world’s largest global domiciliary care network, supporting over 100,000 older adults with personalised, tailored care at home. So whatever questions you have about specific symptoms experienced by older adults and how to manage them, we can help.

Why can excessive flatulence be a problem for older adults?

Excessive flatulence can be an issue for older adults for a number of reasons, but whatever the underlying cause, it can lead to discomfort, bloating, and even abdominal pain in extreme cases. Living with this symptom on a long-term basis can lead to a reduction in overall wellbeing and quality of life. 

Also, although flatulence is a natural occurrence that everyone experiences at some point, being unable to control excessive gas can cause social embarrassment and self-consciousness, which can lead to anxiety and even withdrawal from social interactions. This is significant for older adults, as they may already struggle with loneliness or isolation. 

Excessive gas can be an indicator of a number of underlying gastrointestinal issues, such as lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), medication side effects, dietary changes and more. Persistent or severe flatulence should always be evaluated by a doctor to identify and address any potential underlying health concerns. 

In older adults specifically, bloating and excess gas can be a symptom of a number of common gastrointestinal conditions, such as dysphagia (affecting 15% to 40% of over 65-year-olds), gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD (affecting 23% of over 65-year-olds), helicobacter pylori (affecting around 50% of the entire population), and diverticular disease (affecting 70% of over 85-year-olds). 

what causes excessive flatulence in the elderly

What causes excessive flatulence in older adults? 

Excessive flatulence can be caused by a number of issues, some that are specific to older adults and some affecting the wider population in a more general way. Some of the most common causes include:

Digestive Changes 

As we age, dietary changes can gradually alter the way we eat. For some older adults, digestion can start to slow down, which means food spends longer inside the digestive tract where gas can build up. Also, the microbiome tends to be affected as we age, which means gut bacteria will begin to change. This can affect digestion and lead to more gas being produced. The strength of digestion can also change with age, such as a loss of muscle strength which can lead to a buildup of excess gas. 

Many older people also suffer from constipation as a result of this digestive system slow-down; studies find this is thought to affect around 26% of women and 16% of men over 65 years old, and 34% of women and 26% of men over 84 years old. Constipation can cause gas to get trapped in the intestines, and as a result, bloating and flatulence can occur. 

Dietary Changes

It is normal for our dietary preferences to change as we get older, and for some medical conditions we may be required to eat more or less of certain food groups. Certain dietary changes can lead to excess gas, such as:

  • Eating more high-fibre foods – Fibre is important for older adults in order to lower the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer, but consuming this in excess could become a problem for some people. If you eat a lot of beans, lentils or vegetables, this could cause excessive gas. 
  • Becoming lactose intolerant – Our dietary tolerances change as we age, so even if you have never been lactose intolerant before, you could still develop lactose intolerance in older age. In fact, an estimated 75% of people are thought to develop some level of lactose intolerance as they age. This usually means experiencing a number of digestive issues, potentially including excessive gas, when you consume dairy products such as milk, cheese or yoghurt.
  • Developing a lower tolerance for artificial sweeteners – Certain sweeteners are found in sugar-free products and these can cause excess gas for older adults who are not able to digest these as well as they once could.
  • Drinking carbonated beverages – Even if you have always consumed carbonated drinks such as sodas or sparkling water, you could start to notice your digestive system struggling with this as you age. These drinks introduce excess air into the digestive system which can lead to uncomfortable trapped gas. 

You may find more helpful information on this in our guide to what foods older adults should avoid, and why.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can lead to a number of symptoms that could include excessive flatulence. These are usually gastrointestinal disorders such as:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – This causes symptoms such as stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation, and could contribute to excessive gas buildup in the digestive tract. IBS tends to last for a few days or weeks after a flare-up, but will continue to come back. This condition is thought to affect around 10-20% of people. 
  • Crohn’s disease – Those with Crohn’s disease usually have this throughout their life, and it causes parts of the digestive system to become inflamed. The symptoms include diarrhoea, stomach aches and cramps, blood in stool, fatigue and weight loss, as well as excessive flatulence in some cases. 
  • Coeliac disease – Many allergies can lead to a buildup of excess gas, but coeliac disease is a serious allergy to gluten causing the immune system to attack tissue in the gut, leading to symptoms like diarrhoea, stomach aches, bloating, flatulence, indigestion and constipation. This is often a lifelong condition, but can develop in older age too. 
  • Diabetes – Diabetes can cause a number of symptoms, but one lesser-known symptom is digestion issues that can contribute to gas production, such as nausea, heartburn or bloating, which can lead to flatulence. You can read more about diabetes in older adults in our guide to diabetes in older adults.

These are only a few of the medical conditions that could lead to excessive flatulence, but if you suffer from another medical condition you can speak to your doctor about this to find out if it could be causing your excessive gas, or if something else could be the culprit.


Medications are helpful for medical conditions, but they sometimes come with unwanted side effects. Some medications could cause excessive gas to build up which can lead to flatulence, and the most common offenders for this are antibiotics, laxatives, and medications to treat high blood pressure. These medications can sometimes disrupt gut bacteria or digestion, which is what causes the excess gas. 

If you are worried your medications are causing you to experience excessive flatulence, don’t be afraid to reach out to your doctor to discuss this symptom, particularly if it is negatively impacting your life. Often medication doses can be adjusted, or a different kind of medication can be tried in order to alleviate unwanted side effects. It is also important to let your doctor know of any side effects you notice in case these could be causing more harm than good, so always speak to your doctor if you experience issues.

Eating Habits

Other eating habits of older adults could lead to more gas, and as a result, excessive flatulence. These include things like:

  • Swallowing excess air when eating too quickly – You could be swallowing air when eating too fast, even if you do not notice it happening. This can lead to excess gas, so if you think you could be doing this unknowingly, try eating more mindfully by slowing down and considering every bite. You may also be swallowing more air when drinking through a straw or chewing gum, so take note of which habits could be causing your excess flatulence. If you have difficulty swallowing when eating or dental issues that make eating more challenging, this could also cause you to swallow more air when eating, and you can enlist the help of a professional carer or speak to your doctor about options for support. 
  • Not eating enough – If you are not eating enough, this can cause your stomach to slow digestion and allow gas to build up. You can learn more about how to address this in our guide to handling loss of appetite in ageing adults.
  • Not drinking enough – Older adults are prone to dehydration, and this can slow down the digestive process, leading to excess gas and bloating. You can read more about how to spot dehydration in our guide to symptoms of dehydration in older people.

Smoking – Smoking can affect the digestive system in a number of ways, causing things like heartburn and peptic ulcers, which can lead to excessive bloating and gas.

How can an older adult manage excessive flatulence?

If you have visited your doctor and there is no medical reason for excessive flatulence to occur, and no need to adjust medications to address this side effect, then the next step is to try lifestyle changes that can help to reduce the amount of flatulence you are experiencing. 

Managing this may require: 

  • Making dietary adjustments – As mentioned above, diet can have a lot to do with the amount of bloating and flatulence you experience, so consider eating smaller meals more frequently, and changing the foods and drinks you consume on a regular basis which could support a healthier digestive system. Some examples of this could be adjusting your fibre intake, limiting dairy if you suffer from lactose intolerance, avoiding carbonated drinks if you consume a lot of these, and keeping a food diary to track which gas-producing foods tend to make you bloat.
  • Taking probiotics – More research is needed on the benefits of probiotics for individual cases, and you should always consult your doctor before you begin taking probiotics. However, there have been studies showing beneficial effects from certain strains of probiotics that can help to balance your gut bacteria. As a result, you could notice a reduction in the amount of gas in your digestive system, helping to reduce the flatulence you are experiencing.
  • Staying hydrated – Drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day to stay hydrated can help to aid digestion and prevent constipation, which is a common cause of excess flatulence. Try to keep a bottle of water with you throughout the day to remind you to drink, or consume other liquids such as tea, watery foods like soup, or electrolyte drinks for added hydration. 
  • Get regular exercise – Regular physical activity has many benefits for older adults. For those with excessive flatulence, this promotes healthy digestion and can reduce gas buildup. While moving your body a lot can seem like the last thing you want to do if you are suffering from painful bloating or embarrassing flatulence, this could actually be the very thing that relieves your discomfort, so incorporating this into your daily routine could be helpful. You can learn more about fitness for older adults, even if you have mobility issues, in our guide to fitness and exercise for older adults.

Explore natural remedies – You should always consult your doctor before taking anything new, even if this is a natural substance, but certain natural remedies are known to help reduce bloating and excessive flatulence. Try herbal teas such as peppermint tea, ginger tea, chamomile tea or fennel tea to soothe the digestive system, alleviate constipation and reduce gas.

what causes excessive flatulence in the elderly

When should an older adult seek medical advice for excessive flatulence?

If you have already tried the above home remedies or you are experiencing excessive flatulence that is persistent, severe, painful or distressing for you, or is impacting your life in a profoundly negative way, then it may be time to discuss this symptom with your GP. You should also consult your doctor if you have other concerning symptoms alongside flatulence, such as abdominal pain, severe bloating, severe diarrhoea or constipation, blood/bleeding, unexplained weight loss, or a significant change in your bowel habits. Your doctor will be able to do any necessary investigations to make sure there is no underlying health condition or gastrointestinal disorders. 

You should also speak to loved ones about this issue if it is causing you problems, particularly if you are unable to make any dietary changes or lifestyle modifications without their help. Understandably this can be an embarrassing topic to bring up, but it is certainly worth having the conversation in order to let them know this is distressing for you and is impacting your daily life in a negative way. They can help you to try some of the changes mentioned above, provide emotional support when dealing with flatulence-related embarrassment, and help you attend your doctor’s office or other medical appointments for necessary investigations. 

If you would prefer the assistance of a professional home carer to help with this issue, there are a number of ways that companionship or live-in care can support you, including: 

  • Helping you keep a food diary to identify trigger foods 
  • Making better food choices to manage bloating 
  • Cooking diet-friendly meals, such as lactose-free or gluten-free
  • Cutting food up and preparing in a way that makes swallowing excess air less likely 
  • Ensuring you eat and drink slowly, and take small bites
  • Providing a calm and supportive environment that promotes mindful eating 
  • Helping you get to medical appointments 

Excessive flatulence can be a difficult symptom for older adults to discuss and address, but usually with the help of loved ones, a doctor’s input, and some lifestyle and diet changes, you can start to reduce your discomfort and get back to a healthy, social and confident life.

If you feel you or a loved one could benefit from support from a home care professional to help minimise flatulence issues, you can get in touch with your local Home Instead office to learn more. Our Care Professionals are the best of the best, and highly trained to deliver the services you need. No matter what type of home care you are looking for, we can provide a tailored service that suits you or your loved one. 

We’re an award-winning home care provider and part of a worldwide organisation devoted to providing the highest-quality relationship-led care for older people in their own homes. Arranging care for yourself or your loved one shouldn’t be stressful, so whatever questions you would like answered, feel free to reach out to the Home Instead team to discuss your needs.