home wound care

Simple Wound Care At Home

Our Care Professionals are trained to care for your wounds, helping you live well at home.

The importance of wound care

Whether you have a post-operative or long-term condition that includes wounds that require dressing and tending at home, Home Instead’s Care Professionals will manage your wound care with skill and confidence. Our Care Professionals are trained to monitor and care for your wounds to ensure healing. They can identify the signs and symptoms of infections or potential complications in the comfort of your own home, so you can relax with a trusted service provided by a familiar and friendly face.

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Fully trained Care Professionals

No matter the frequency or type of wound care required, Home Instead’s Care Professionals are trained to the highest clinical standards.We will work with your own doctors and health teams to ensure you receive the best possible care at home.

home wound care

How can we help?

We've helped thousands of families to stay safe, comfortable and happy at home. Whatever situation you're facing, or whatever the question is, Home Instead is here to help.

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What is a wound?

Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They can range from small cuts and grazes or burns and scalds, to larger and deeper wounds as a result of surgery. For example, you will have a temporary wound after having a pacemaker implanted, or after a coronary artery bypass graft. Alternatively, you may have a stoma (a breach of the skin intended to remain open) from a tracheostomy or gastrostomy tube that would require longer-term care.They can heal quickly or slowly, and may require assistance to heal in certain circumstances. If left untended, a wound can result in infection. Many of these can be treated with antibiotics, especially if caught quickly, but some rarer infections can be life-threatening if they remain unchecked.

home wound care

What is simple wound care?

Wound care is following a prescriber’s care or treatment plan to help prevent infection and promote healing. Simple wound care may involve cleansing the wound using special non–touch techniques, or applying topical medications and basic dressings to protect and aid the healing process. Wound care also requires recognising the symptoms of infection, so that any complications can be dealt with quickly and capably.

home wound care

The benefits of simple wound care

Our Care Professionals are fully trained and assessed as competent in your care needs, which helps to reduce the number of possible infections or complications, and the need for hospital admissions. Suffering from wounds can make everyday actions challenging, but our Care Professionals can help support you without the need for endless clinic appointments.

home wound care

Why choose simple wound care at home?

Receiving simple wound care with Home Instead allows you to maintain your independence, routine, and lifestyle so you can live your best life at home. We will work with you to match your Care Professional to your interests and hobbies so that you can build a trusting relationship with them. We’ll also liaise with you and your clinical team to guarantee the best care is delivered to the highest standard, ensuring a fully bespoke and tailored care plan is provided depending upon your needs. With Home Instead, simple wound care is carried out when you need it, not when it suits others.

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Our Partners

AlzheimerParkinsonsHomecare AssociationBritish Franchise Association
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Guides & Support


  • Why is wound care important?

  • What are the advantages of wound care at home?

  • How can I aid my wound care?

  • How long will I need simple wound care?