elderly care sensors

Safe Home Alert 

Safe Home Alert is a combination of discreet home care sensor technology, together with the latest Artificial Intelligence. The system provides reassurance that the activity of your loved one is as expected and raises alerts when patterns change.

How can you be sure your loved ones are safe at home without intruding?

Smart but subtle devices are fitted throughout the home, which are connected to the Safe Home Alert solution. It tracks movement in the home and monitors the use of appliances such as kettles and televisions.The system learns what normal activity looks like, notifying the person’s family and the Safe Home Alert response centre if anything that isn’t the norm occurs. For example, if the person hasn’t got out of bed at their usual time, those with access to the solution will be alerted, enabling them to act quickly. Also included is a Personal Alarm including both pendant and alarm unit to make direct contact with the Safe Home Alert response centre in an emergency.

elderly care sensors

How can Safe Home Alert help?

Movement in the home

Sensors raise an alert if it appears a person has fallen or become immobile in high risk areas like the bathroom. It can also establish if the person is doing anything dangerous like going downstairs multiple times at night. Door sensors indicate if a door has been open for too long, ensuring that your loved one is safe at all times.

Monitor hydration and nutrition

Smart plugs on kitchen appliances will monitor when they have been used. It’s particularly important to track the eating and drinking habits of older people with dementia, since they can easily forget to do this. Families and Home Instead Care Professionals can step in and encourage the person to eat and drink before they become malnourished or dehydrated.

Track activity levels

With motion sensors, Safe Home Alert keeps an eye on how long a person spends in bed or sat on a chair. If this time increases significantly, family members will be informed, and Home Instead Care Professionals can encourage more physical activity if necessary.

24/7 emergency assistance

If an emergency arises, your loved one will be connected automatically to the Emergency Resolution Team at the touch of a button. The team knows straight away who they have been connected to, where they live, and their medical history. Using the loudspeaker on the base unit, the team will give reassurance and can call personal contacts or get emergency assistance if required.

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Advice & Support


  • Do I or my loved one need Wi-Fi or broadband to use these sensors?

  • When will the Emergency Resolution Team receive alerts?

  • Who can benefit from Safe Home Alert?