Breaking the Invisibility: Empowering the Elderly Through Companionship and Confidence

Discover how Home Instead Charnwood is empowering older adults to feel seen, confident, and valued.

At a recent Fantasy Forest Festival, our Community Engagement Coordinator, Jasmine, had an experience that perfectly encapsulated a challenge faced by many older adults: the feeling of becoming invisible as they age. Amongst the vibrant celebration, Jasmine met a remarkable woman in her 60s dressed as Neytiri from Avatar, complete with full face paint. This woman shared a touching story—this was the first time since her youth that she felt truly seen.

"You get to a point in your life where you cease to exist as far as the rest of the world is concerned."

For many elderly individuals, this sentiment resonates deeply. As they age, they often feel as though they fade into the background, becoming overlooked by society. Margaret Newson, 88, from Tunbridge Wells, expressed it poignantly:
“You get to a point in your life where you cease to exist as far as the rest of the world is concerned.”

It’s this feeling of invisibility that Home Instead is working to combat through our Ageing Index and our day-to-day services. Our mission is to ensure older adults not only feel seen and heard but also empowered to continue pursuing the things that bring them joy and confidence.

Elderly woman in a purple sweater gazes out a window, sitting beside a plant with violet flowers. - Home Instead

Encouraging Confidence Through Companionship

At Home Instead Charnwood, we believe that companionship is about more than just helping with daily activities—it’s about nurturing passions, encouraging confidence, and ensuring that our clients feel valued and supported. Whether it’s dressing up for a festival, continuing a love for fashion and beauty, or simply engaging in a favorite hobby, our Care Professionals are there every step of the way.

For many older adults, the things that once brought joy and confidence, like fashion, beauty, and self-expression, may start to feel out of reach as they age. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Through our Companionship Services, our Care Professionals actively encourage clients to continue doing what makes them feel like themselves, whether it’s putting on a favorite outfit, experimenting with new makeup, styling their hair or even attending a local event to express their personal style.

These small acts of self-care can be transformative. Something as simple as choosing an outfit or applying lipstick can have a profound impact on someone’s sense of self-worth and confidence.

Elderly woman smiling, holding colorful shopping bags on her shoulder, wearing a yellow jacket in a park setting. - Home Instead

Nailcare: Health and Beauty for Well-Being

One service that’s often overlooked but incredibly important for the elderly is Nailcare. Regular nail care is essential for preventing conditions like fungal infections, ingrown nails, and other nail-related health issues that can be common as we age. At Home Instead, we offer a Nailcare Service that not only helps maintain nail health but also provides the opportunity for a nail makeover—complete with polish!

Our Care Professionals can offer a relaxing and rejuvenating nail care session that keeps nails in top condition while allowing clients to enjoy the fun and confidence that a polished set of nails can bring. For many of our clients, having their nails done is a special moment of self-care that brings joy and helps them feel put-together.

Person wearing gloves is painting the fingernails of an older adult with a ring on their hand. - Home Instead

Transportation: Helping Clients Stay Connected

Maintaining independence and being able to participate in community events are crucial to keeping the passions and joy alive in later years. At Home Instead, we understand that one of the barriers to this is often transportation. That’s why we offer Transportation Services, ensuring our clients can get to the places they need and want to be, whether it’s attending a family gathering, heading to a social event, or going to a beauty appointment.

Our Care Professionals provide more than just a ride—they offer support and companionship during outings, encouraging clients to continue doing the things that make them feel vibrant and engaged in life.

A woman in a purple shirt applies makeup to an elderly person in a bright room. - Home Instead

Relaxation Therapy: The Healing Power of Touch

Physical touch is a fundamental human need, especially as we age. Home Instead offers Relaxation Therapy, including hand massages, which provide a calming and therapeutic experience for clients at all levels of care. Hand massages are a wonderful way to instantly help clients feel loved, calm, and connected.

This simple act of care can have profound effects, especially for those living with dementia, as it can help ease behaviors associated with the condition. Relaxation therapy, such as hand massages, supports mental well-being and gives clients the chance to feel valued and nurtured. Our Care Professionals are qualified hairdressers and public liability insured, adhering to the latest government guidelines in infection control to ensure a safe and soothing experience.

Elderly woman smiling as someone gently brushes her hair indoors. - Home Instead

The Power of Choice and Self-Expression- Bringing Joy and Confidence Back Into Everyday Life

What we often hear from our clients is that, as they age, the choice to express themselves starts to diminish. But at Home Instead, we believe that everyone, no matter their age, deserves to feel seen and to have the power of choice when it comes to self-expression.

This isn’t limited to just festivals and special events; it’s about day-to-day life too. Whether it’s encouraging a client to continue their love for fashion, helping them find new beauty routines that make them feel fabulous, or simply talking about the things they love, our Care Professionals ensure that every client feels like the best version of themselves.

We’ve seen time and time again how small moments of care and attention can transform the outlook of our clients. By helping them continue their passions—whether in fashion, beauty, or beyond—our Care Professionals not only support their physical needs but uplift their emotional well-being. It’s about bringing joy, confidence, and most importantly, dignity back into everyday life.

As part of our mission to ensure older adults are seen, valued, and heard, we invite the community to explore how our services can make a difference. With the launch of the Ageing Index, we will continue to assess how well we’re supporting our elderly community, ensuring they feel visible, engaged, and empowered.

Let’s work together to break the invisibility that so many older adults feel. Through companionship, transportation, personal care, nail care, and relaxation therapy, we can ensure that our elderly loved ones live their lives with the confidence, joy, and self-expression they deserve.

Elderly woman in colorful jewelry and striped outfit smiling, with "Home Instead" logo. - Home Instead

Want to Learn More?

Find out how Home Instead Charnwood’s Companionship, Transportation, Nailcare, and Relaxation Therapy Services can help your loved ones continue to live life to the fullest. Contact us today to discover how we can support the passions, hobbies, and well-being of those you care about.

Call: 01162165306 or Email: [email protected]