10 Signs Your Loved One Might Need Care for Elderly at Home

In this blog, we’ll explore ten signs that may indicate your loved one could benefit from home care.

As our loved one’s age, it’s natural to worry about their well-being and ability to manage daily tasks independently. Recognising when it’s time for additional support can be challenging but is crucial for their safety and quality of life. Home care services provide a compassionate solution, allowing older people to receive the help they need while staying in the comfort of their own homes. In this blog, we’ll explore ten signs that may indicate your loved one could benefit from home care and offer guidance on approaching this sensitive subject with care and empathy.

1. Difficulty with Daily Activities and Home Care Services

Daily tasks like bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning can become challenging as we age, affecting activities of daily living. If your loved one struggles with these activities, it may be a sign they need extra help. For instance, they might find it hard to reach or bend to put on socks and shoes or may avoid showering due to the fear of slipping.

Maintaining personal hygiene and a clean living environment is vital for health and well-being, as neglecting these can lead to skin infections, falls, and a decline in self-esteem. Home Instead’s Care Professionals can assist with these tasks, ensuring your loved one remains safe and comfortable. They can also provide tips and tools, like installing grab bars in the bathroom, to help your loved one manage more independently.

A woman kneels to help an elderly man tie his shoes by a bed in a warmly lit room. - Home Instead

2. Frequent Falls or Mobility Issues

Falls are a leading cause of injury among seniors and can indicate a need for mobility aids or additional support. A single fall can lead to serious injuries, such as hip fractures or head trauma, which can significantly impact a senior’s quality of life. In some cases, professional nursing care may be necessary to manage these mobility issues and prevent further injuries.

If your loved one has experienced frequent falls, has trouble navigating stairs, or finds it difficult to stand up from a seated position, it’s crucial to address these mobility issues promptly. Home care services can include physical therapy exercises to strengthen muscles and improve balance, as well as help with navigating the home safely. They can also assist in arranging assessments as well as the living space to minimise fall risks, such as removing loose rugs and ensuring adequate lighting.

A doctor discusses a patient's chart with a woman as an elderly woman sits on an examination table in a medical room. - Home Instead

3. Forgetfulness or Memory Loss

Missing appointments, forgetting to take medications, or getting lost in familiar places can be signs of cognitive decline or early-stage dementia. These symptoms require professional attention to ensure your loved one’s safety and well-being.

A Registered Care Manager can also be invaluable in creating a comprehensive care plan and coordinating services to address cognitive decline.

Memory issues not only risk missing important health appointments or medication doses but can also lead to situations where they may forget to turn off the stove or lock doors, posing significant safety hazards. Home care providers can offer support with medication management, daily routines, and gentle reminders, providing peace of mind for families. They can also engage your loved one in memory-enhancing activities and cognitive exercises, which may help slow the progression of memory loss.

A woman hands a set of keys to an older man in front of a building with large windows and a purple door. - Home Instead

4. Poor Nutrition or Weight Loss

Noticeable weight loss, an empty fridge, expired food, or a reliance on unhealthy snacks can indicate that your loved one is not eating properly. Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for maintaining health, particularly for older people with dietary restrictions or chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

Poor nutrition can lead to weakened immune systems, increased hospitalisations, and slower recovery times from illness. A Home Instead Care Professional can assist with meal planning and preparation, providing essential personal care services to ensure a balanced diet tailored to meet your loved one’s nutritional and hydration needs. They can also help with grocery shopping, ensuring that healthy and fresh foods are always available, and encourage regular mealtimes.

A woman holding a mug looks out of a kitchen window while a man stands at the counter in the background. - Home Instead

5. Withdrawal from Social Activities and Respite Care

A loss of interest in hobbies, avoiding social interactions, or noticeable changes in mood can be signs of social isolation, which can lead to depression and other mental health issues. Engaging in social activities is crucial for emotional well-being and helps older people maintain a sense of purpose and connection.

Social isolation can increase the risk of conditions such as depression and anxiety and may also exacerbate cognitive decline. Home care services can provide companionship care and encourage participation in social activities, such as community centre events or hobby groups, helping to combat loneliness. Additionally, Home Instead Care Professionals can assist with setting up virtual visits with family members or friends, ensuring that your loved one remains connected even if in-person visits are challenging. Respite care can also provide temporary relief for primary caregivers, ensuring that seniors receive social interaction and companionship.

A woman and an older man sit apart on a blue couch, appearing distant. A painting and flower vase are in the background. - Home Instead

6. Neglecting Household Responsibilities

Unpaid bills, unkempt living conditions, or neglect of pets can signal cognitive issues or physical limitations. Managing a household requires organisation and the ability to handle multiple tasks, which can become overwhelming for some older people.

Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to further stress, safety issues, and financial problems. Home Instead Cleveland care services can assist with housekeeping, errands, and pet care, alleviating these burdens and ensuring that the home remains a safe and comfortable place to live. They can also provide help with organising bills and important documents and assist in setting up automatic payments to prevent late fees and ensure utilities remain active. A Care Professional can help manage household tasks, ensuring that the home remains a safe and comfortable place to live.

An elderly man and a woman review documents together at a table in a cozy room with stained glass and flowers. - Home Instead

7. Unexplained Bruises or Injuries

Visible bruises, cuts, or frequent minor injuries that are poorly explained may indicate falls or other safety concerns within the home. These could be signs that your loved one is struggling with balance, and coordination, or has issues with vision.

Comprehensive, professional health care services such as Home Instead can help identify and address the underlying causes of these injuries, ensuring your loved one’s safety.

It’s essential to address these issues to prevent serious injuries. Home care professionals can assess the home environment for safety risks, such as loose carpets, poor lighting, or cluttered pathways, and provide appropriate interventions. They can also accompany your loved one on walks or assist with mobility around the house, ensuring they are safe and supported.

A woman signs a document at a reception desk, with another woman standing behind her. A vase of flowers is on the desk. - Home Instead

8. Changes in Personal Hygiene and Personal Care

Unwashed hair, an unkempt appearance, or wearing the same clothes repeatedly can be signs of depression, cognitive decline, or physical difficulty. Maintaining personal hygiene is important for health and self-esteem. Neglecting personal care can lead to infections, skin problems, and a decline in self-worth.

A Care Professional can provide continuous support with grooming and hygiene, helping your loved one feel their best.

Home care services can assist with grooming and hygiene, helping your loved one feel their best. This support can include help with bathing, dressing, and ensuring clothes are clean and appropriate for the weather, which can be particularly challenging for those with arthritis or mobility issues.

Two older women sitting at a table, discussing something serious; one is holding a paper, with medicine bottles on the table. - Home Instead

9. Mood Swings or Behavioural Changes

Increased irritability, anxiety, depression, or sudden personality changes can indicate mental health issues or the stress of managing daily tasks. These changes can also be signs of underlying medical conditions, such as thyroid issues, medication side effects, or early-stage dementia.

Understanding these changes is crucial in providing the right support. Home care professionals can offer emotional support, and companionship, and monitor changes in behaviour, ensuring appropriate interventions are made. They can also coordinate with healthcare providers to manage any medical conditions contributing to these symptoms, helping to stabilise and improve the individual’s overall well-being. A Registered Care Manager can oversee and coordinate with healthcare providers to manage any medical conditions contributing to these symptoms.

Three people sitting in a living room, engaged in a serious conversation, with floral artwork on the wall behind them. - Home Instead

10. Difficulty Managing Medications and Medical Appointments

Confusion about medication schedules, missing doses, or taking incorrect amounts can have serious health consequences, especially for those with chronic conditions. Proper medication management is critical for maintaining health, preventing adverse reactions, and ensuring the effectiveness of treatments. In some cases, professional care may be necessary to ensure proper medication management and prevent health complications.

Home Instead can provide assistance with medication organisation, setting up pill boxes, and providing reminders to take medications on time, ensuring adherence to prescribed regimens. This support helps prevent the potential for medication errors, which can lead to hospitalisations or other serious health issues.

Two women discussing sticky notes on a cabinet door, one pointing to a note. - Home Instead

How to Approach Care Conversations

Talking to a loved one about the need for extra help can be challenging. It’s important to approach the conversation with empathy, respect, and a focus on their safety and well-being. At Home Instead, we understand that this can be a difficult process, that is why we have a Care Conversations guide that gives some tips on how to have a Care Conversation with a loved one. A Registered Care Manager can also provide valuable insights and support during these conversations, helping to create a comprehensive care plan to achieve best possible outcomes. Here are some tips:

Timing & Location

Choose a time when you and your loved one are relaxed and in a comfortable environment. This will make it easier to listen to each other and be open. If your loved one doesn’t want to talk about the topic when you first bring it up, try again later. It’s often not just one conversation, it’s a number of chats over time to establish how your loved one is feeling. A Registered Care Manager can help facilitate these conversations, ensuring that all concerns are addressed.

Let's talk care. All in the timing. Choose a time and place you and your loved one feel relaxed and comfortable. - Home Instead

Plan what you want to say

Knowing what you need to discuss beforehand can make sure that you have a focus to the conversation. It might be an informal chat about how your loved one is feeling and how they’d like to continue to live life staying independent. Or you might want to chat about care options so make sure you have this information to hand. It may help to involve other family members and friends, such as siblings and grandchildren, who’ll be involved in their care. A Registered Care Manager can provide valuable insights and support during these conversations, helping to create a comprehensive care plan.

Image with text reading "Let's talk care. Support. What support is out there now or in the future to help your loved one stay at home for longer?. - Home Instead


It’s important that you take time to really hear your loved ones, be patient with them and encourage them, making clear you have their best interests at heart. Find out how your loved one is managing. Is there anything they are struggling with at home? How do they feel they are coping and is there any support they would like? What would their preferences be? While you might not be able to meet all of their wishes, it’s important to take them into consideration. A Registered Care Manager can help facilitate these conversations, ensuring that all concerns are addressed.

Let's talk care. Listen. Is there anything your loved one is struggling with at home? Do they need any support?. - Home Instead

How to talk about it

Make clear in the conversation that care is about prolonging your loved one’s independence and helping them to stay at home for longer, doing what they enjoy, and continuing to live life their way but with some help to make things easier. Explain that addressing care now will help them to stay well at home for longer. A Registered Care Manager can provide valuable insights and support during these conversations, helping to create a comprehensive care plan.

A text graphic with a message about discussing prolonging a loved one's independence and staying home longer. - Home Instead

Care Conversations Guide 2024

You can download our latest guide to help start the Care Conversation with your loved ones.


Recognising these signs early and seeking professional help can greatly improve your loved one’s quality of life and safety. If you notice any of these signs, consider reaching out to Home Instead Cleveland for a consultation. Our experienced team is here to provide the care and support your loved one needs to age in place comfortably. You can also contact your local council for a care needs assessment and information on available support services.

For more information or to schedule an assessment, please contact us on 01642 309650 or visit our website at https://www.homeinstead.co.uk/cleveland/. Your loved one’s well-being is our top priority, and we are here to help every step of the way.

Additionally, enquire about a personal budget to help cover the costs of care services, providing more autonomy in selecting care providers.