Milestone Achievement at Home Instead Conference

Milestone Achievement

The wonderful team at Home Instead Cuffley, Cheshunt & Harlow had a very exciting few days at our national conference in Manchester. It was an informative and inspiring weekend filled with amazing stories of all the wonderful things our offices across the country are doing. We celebrated our Care Professional of the year for all the outstanding care and support they provide to their clients. It is never easy choosing one Care Professional of the year as every member of our team go above and beyond for their clients.

Our team at Cuffley, Cheshunt & Harlow received a Milestone Award to reflect their exceptional performance, hard work and dedication to delivering amazing care services to our clients.  We are hugely proud of our incredible teams in the office and out in the field for the impact they make on lives every day!  The award was presented by the wonderful Lorraine Kelly who is passionate about Home Instead’s mission to get the UK talking about care with ageing loved ones.

As a dementia care specialist, we know how difficult it can be to navigate a dementia diagnosis and often it can feel very lonely. We have created a collection of videos featuring real-life stories, expert advice, and practical tips on how to care for a loved one with dementia. There are lots of useful pieces of advice and digestible tips to really make a difference to the quality of life of someone living with dementia so take a few moments to have a look.

Most importantly, we want you to remember you are not alone and we are here to support you and your loved one every step of the way so please get in touch on 01707 243 880 if you have any questions on how we can support you.

Milestone Achievement at Home Instead Conference