Embracing Active Ageing: Real-life Stories from Dudley and Sandwell South

Discover real stories from Home Instead Dudley showcasing benefits of adopting active lifestyle, independence and healthy diet.

Home Instead UK has recently conducted research and published the New Ageing Index Report to better understand the hopes, fears, and aspirations of the UK’s population regarding retirement and later life. 

Respondents were keen to embrace a healthy lifestyle and we would like to take this opportunity to highlight how we support our clients in leading an active lifestyle, maintaining independence, and following a healthy diet which can significantly enhance the quality of life for older adults.

Client stories: Embracing an Active Lifestyle, Independence, and Healthy Diet as You Age

The following case studies show the journey of three Home Instead clients living in the Dudley area, who, with the help and support of Home Instead Dudley’s Care Professionals and local care team, have been able to transform their quality of life.

*Client’s names have been changed for confidentiality

Embracing an Active Lifestyle

In the New Ageing Index Report, an average of 85% of respondents agree with the need to stay active, rising to 89% among those over 75.

*Harold’s Home Instead Story

Harold is 100 years old and began receiving support from Home Instead Dudley at the age of 99. He lives alone and manages well but felt isolated and was considering moving into a home to combat loneliness. Despite his mobility, with the use of walking aids, Harold needed help accessing the community independently.

Harold’s Home Instead Story

Our home care and companionship solution

Harold’s granddaughter engaged Home Instead Dudley services to help him get out into the community and visit places he wanted to go.

Harold now has two visits a week, each lasting 2 hours, where he decides what he wants to do or where he wants to go. His small team of Care Professionals have developed strong relationships with him, significantly contributing to his improvement.

Positive results and outcomes

Physical Health Benefits: The regular activity of preparing to go out, leaving the house, getting in and out of vehicles, and walking on various surfaces has helped maintain Harold’s mobility. Exposure to fresh air and physical exertion has improved his sleep quality, and he even enjoyed a swing ride at a local park.

Mental Health Benefits: The most significant difference has been in Harold’s mental health. His grandson expressed gratitude, saying, “He has got a new lease of life! He said that he was content before, but now he loves his life! He also can’t believe how much he is loved and loves you all in return.”

Companionship solution

Maintaining Independence

In the New Ageing Index Report, 7 in 10 people aged over 75 are worried about not being able to look after themselves.

*Marion’s Home Instead Story

Marion has struggled with high levels of anxiety for several years and has no family. She owns her own bungalow but chose to live in residential care due to her anxiety, which only worsened. The manager of the home engaged Home Instead to help Marion manage her bills, which she had been ignoring due to anxiety.

Marion Home Instead Story

Our relationship-led care solution

Over the past couple of years, Marion has formed a wonderful relationship with her Care Professional, Karen, who visits regularly and has gently encouraged her to do more for herself. Marion now regularly pays her bills, has her finances in order, and has started accessing the community and attending companionship cafes, a significant improvement from when support began.

Positive results and outcomes

Marion now does more for herself, has increased confidence, and significantly reduced anxiety levels. This gradual transformation underscores the importance of maintaining independence in enhancing the quality of life for older adults.

Following a healthy diet

In the New Ageing Index Report, 66% of respondents endorse diet and exercise as a means to staying youthful, rising to 76% among those who care for an older loved one.

*Alf’s Home Instead Story

Alf was found by his nephew to be neglecting himself, living alone, underweight, and existing on biscuits and herbal tablets. Initially reluctant to accept care, Alf began to appreciate having meals prepared for him, although he could only eat small amounts initially.

Alf Home Instead Story

Our home care and meal preparation solution

Our regular small team of visiting Care Professionals focused on preparing meals Alf liked, incorporating more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and carbohydrates into his diet to build him up. Proper hydration became a priority, significantly helping with constipation and tiredness.

Positive results and outcomes

Eating regular meals led to significant health benefits for Alf. He experienced better digestion, improved cognitive function, a stronger immune system, and more energy. His mood improved, and with a holistic approach to his support, Alf is now eating heartily, sleeping better, and accessing the community.

Home care and meal preparation


These stories of our local clients illustrate the profound impact of an active lifestyle, independence, and a healthy diet on ageing. It’s important to highlight that it’s never too late to make positive changes and live a fulfilling, healthy life. By embracing these principles with support from a Care Professional, older adults can enhance their physical and mental well-being, maintain their independence, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Want to learn more about our home care services at Home Instead Dudley and Sandwell South? Call our friendly and professional team on 01384 259723 or apply to become a Care Professional at our website. Join us in transforming more lives, one story at a time.

*Client’s names have been changed for confidentiality