East Fife Carer : How to access what you need

We understand that looking for support can feel overwhelming. That's why we've compiled a convenient list of carer support services in East Fife for you.

Person at door shaking hands with a smiling visitor wearing a coat and lanyard, standing on a residential street. - Home Instead

East Fife Carer Support – Local Advice (Financial, Legal and More)

Citizen’s Advice Fife is a volunteer-based support hub that helps you with financial, legal and other advice.

They have several online self-help guides, a hotline, and branches in Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Leven, Cupar and St.Andrews. Our advice is to call in advance, in case they can help you over the phone, which will save travel.

Adult Social Care In East Fife

If you are looking for advice on adult social care, Fife Council is your local authority for care assessments, funding, and other services.

Their adult social care services include

  • Blue badges
  • Equipment for home care
  • Senior transport
  • Day services and events
  • Carer support
A man and a woman review an NHS document together in a kitchen with wooden cabinets in the background. - Home Instead

East Fife Community Carer Support Groups

Fife Carers Centre have drop in sessions which are in two locations. 

Glenrothes is held at the CISWO, 390 South Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5NL, every Tuesday 2pm until 4pm. Levenmouth have a session every Wednesday 2-4pm held at Leven Library, 16 Durie Street, Leven KY8 4HE

They also host a variety of groups which carers can attend to get support.  You can check what groups are in your area on Fife Carers Group Sessions

These include in person sessions, walking sessions, and online book sessions.

National Caregiver Support Charities

Regardless of where you reside in the UK, we always recommend

  1. Carers UK
  2. Carer’s Trust
  3. Carer’s Network

All three charities have a fantastic support system for caregivers and lots of resources for you to dip into.

Local Mental Health Support in Watford

Change Mental Health Fife  work closely with the community across Fife: providing early information and support to people who require help with their mental health needs.

Taking good care of your mental health is vital for your overall well-being. So if you need anything – a chat, some comfort or advice get in touch.

Two people, seen from behind, sit on a park bench by a lake on a cloudy day. - Home Instead