Senior Snippet - Slow down in old age? No thanks!

Welcome to Senior Snippets: the monthly advisory column with older members of our community in mind, brought to you by Alexandra Sacker of Home Instead in Enfield.

This month, we are focusing on supporting older people to add fitness into their weekly routines. This follows research conducted by ourselves, which has revealed just how much seniors understand the importance of keeping fit.

We know from our own clients how much older generations are keen to keep active to maintain a healthy lifestyle and our research has demonstrated this.

The survey revealed that:

  • 89% of over-75s have an undiminished appetite for life, agreeing on the need to stay active as you get older
  • 66% of all respondents endorse diet and exercise as a means to stay youthful 
  • But there is also frustration, with an average 58% agreeing that older people are not encouraged enough to play sport.
A group of people dancing and clapping in a festive, indoor space decorated with colorful flags. - Home Instead

So, what’s going on locally? We’ve put together a list of local activities that older people can take part it to help them meet their ‘staying healthy and active’ aspirations.

[fill in with local activity groups – here are some suggestions (anything you run as an office should be included):

Four people standing on a lawn bowling green, with bowls scattered on the grass. Trees and a hedge in the background. - Home Instead

We’d love to hear from you if you run a local group that we can signpost members of our community too. Please write to us Home Instead Enfield on [email protected]  or by post to Home Instead Enfield, Unit 22, 26-28 Queensway, Enfield EN3 4SA  Alternatively, you can also call me on 0203 6419471.