Home Truths: Real Stories of Dementia's Impact

Dementia touches the lives of many families, bringing challenges that can feel overwhelming. Home Truths is here to help.

Home Truths: Real Stories of Dementia’s Impact

Dementia touches the lives of many families, bringing challenges that can feel overwhelming. At Home Instead Epsom, we understand these struggles and are committed to supporting families and we are working towards creating dementia-friendly communities.

Understanding Dementia’s Reach

According to  Alzheimer’s UK, nearly one million people in the UK live with dementia, a number expected to rise to 1.4 million by 2040. Globally, fifty-five million individuals are affected, with projections reaching 139 million by 2050.

Here at Home Instead we have decided that it’s time to step up to educate and support families beyond our client care. That’s why we have created the ‘Home Truths’ YouTube channel, dedicated to sharing real-life stories about dementia and its impact. These stories aim to raise awareness and foster understanding about what dementia is and is not, its symptoms, where to go to get the right help as well as tips to how to enable meaningful and supportive communication with a person suffering with dementia. In the above video, two members of the Home Instead team share their top household swaps or adjustments for a person living with dementia. From remote controls to hot water safety, there is nothing we haven’t though through.

It’s not just the practical elements of dementia which Home Truths is interested in highlighting however, it is the emotional impact of dementia as well. In this video, we meet Rita who is caring for her partner Nicky, who has Alzheimer’s. Rita shares with us the journey that they have been on together and how they have coped with the on-going progression of the disease. Their story is hugely emotional but highlights how tailored support and a supportive caring community can bring joy.

Rita and Nicky started their care journey with Home Instead at just two hours a week, now it is up to four hours a week. In the video, we get a glimpse of how important those care visits are for both Nicky and Rita and how Home Instead don’t just bring care, but companionship and laughter too.

Supporting a Loved One with Dementia

If you’re loved one is showing symptoms of dementia, caring for them will require patience and understanding. Here are some practical tips:

  • Person-Centred Care:
  • Focus on the individual’s unique needs and preferences. Support should promote their well-being and concentrate on their feelings rather than memory lapses.
  • Effective Communication:
    • Position yourself where they can see and hear you clearly, usually in front and at eye level.
    • Maintain eye contact and ensure your face is well-lit.
  • Memory Aids:
  • Consider creating a ‘memory book’ or ‘memory box’ with photos and brief information about people and events. This can serve as a helpful reference for your loved one.

Local Support in Epsom

The Epsom and Ewell Dementia Hub offers full and half-day sessions for individuals aged fifty and above living with memory loss or dementia. Their program includes activities designed to build confidence, muscle strength, and encourage social interaction, helping to combat feelings of isolation and depression.

Regular activities at the Dementia Hub include music therapy, arts sessions, and games, providing a supportive environment for both individuals with dementia and their families.

If you are looking for further support, please call us at the Epsom Home Instead office. We would be very happy to talk through you or your loved ones care needs and how we can help.

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