Looking to compare Devon home care providers?

Download a copy of our handy Home Care Checklists...

Two Home Instead brochures and checklists for home and live-in care on a wooden surface. - Home Instead

Often, we will receive calls at crisis point, when a person is either in sudden need of care for themselves following a change in circumstance, or from a worried family member, concerned with safely supporting the changing needs of loved ones.

It has been a long-held mission of ours to encourage individuals, families and communities to consider their later life wellbeing, so that wishes can be made clear and really, so that plans can be put in place, providing peace of mind for everyone involved.

There are a variety of care options available across our community, all of which offer different levels and standards of support. We would wholeheartedly encourage the community to research well, look into reviews from trusted sights such as homecare.co.uk (the leading UK home care review website – click HERE to take a look) and to even go as far as following local care providers on social media, to get a ‘feel’ for the kind of Company that they are.

At whatever stage you are on your journey into care, you may like to download a copy of our handy checklists, to enable you to compare and contrast. Whilst these documents may not be able to answer or prompt all of the questions you may have around care, they will we hope, act as a good starting point.

There are two versions of our Checklists, one tailored towards hourly home care and the second which details the key points regarding increasingly popular Live-In Care. Simply click on the links below to download your copy or do feel free to contact our team – we would be happy to pop a copy in the post.

Further to this, please feel free to contact our team should you have any questions about our home care and companionship services. As the only home care provider in the southwest region rated as ‘Outstanding’ in all five areas of inspection by the sector regulator, the Care Quality Commission, we feel confident that we can meet not only your needs, but your wishes too.

Call our Home Care Consultants on 01395 200600 for details, request further information via email to [email protected] or follow us on Facebook HERE for daily updates.

Download your copy of our Home Care Checklist by clicking HERE.
Download your copy of our Live-In Care Checklist by clicking HERE.