Live-In Care in Exeter, East and Mid Devon

Offering continuity and comfort, Live-In care is becoming increasingly popular

An elderly man and a young woman sit on a couch, smiling and holding mugs, enjoying a conversation. - Home Instead

For the vast majority of people, staying in the home that they love during times of ill health, or older age, is the ideal.

It offers security and familiarity, and for those living with Dementia for example or issues with eyesight, it can be crucial, as they are able to navigate their way around their surroundings from memory. This is where our increasingly popular Live-in Care services are ideal…

Many older people are told that if they require state-funded support, they must go in to a residential care setting, having made the assumption that Live-In home care is too expensive. State funded home care is an option that many organisations and charities, such as Age UK, are seeking to promote, believing that a ‘home-first’ policy should be adopted, even going as far as calling for this option to be made a legal right. The common belief is that in all regards, older people should be offered the time and opportunity to consider their options for care before they feel that they are under pressure to make life changing decisions.

Of course, the cost of care is a consideration, but many prospective Live-In Care clients are surprised to hear that home care provision can compare favourably in relation to residential care. According to a survey by Which?* (the UK’s independent consumer choice publication), on average, the cost of residential care in the southwest in 2022-23 was almost £3500 per month. This is based on a residential home with a ‘Good’ or ‘Requiring Improvement’ rating, as these are the ratings most readily awarded by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). Since then, costs have risen dramatically in some instances, due to the economic climate and inflation. More locally for our Exeter and East Devon community, residential care homes with a ‘Good’ rating can actually cost upward of £1800 per week, as a starting figure.

Care homes that provide specialist care, with conditions such as dementia, will often charge a higher fee, along with additional charges applying for rooms that are private or have an en-suite bathroom for example.

In comparison, Live-In care from Home Instead Exeter & East Devon offers CQC 5 Star Outstanding care – rated as outstanding in all five areas of assessment, with regard to safety processes, effectiveness of support, the care and kindness shown, responsiveness of service and also in relation to the leadership of our organisation – for a similar cost.

Home Instead has provided many packages of Live-In Care to clients who had first assumed that the only option available to them, was residential care. Only after conducting their own research online, comparing reviews, or very often, after a word-of-mouth recommendation for our care, do they discover that there is another way.

For our clients, the comfort and peace of mind provided by remaining in the home that they love, is priceless. Our model of adaptable Live-In care represents a return to the successful ‘home help’ provision of the past – with the addition of our staff benefitting from a variety of award-winning training schemes in specialist areas including Dementia care, Parkinson’s Training, and End of Life care.

If you or a loved one is facing the prospect of having to move into residential care, we would urge you to take a moment to take stock and consider your options. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for advice and information. We are here and happy to help.

Contact our dedicated Live-In Home Care Consultants on 01395 200600 or visit our website HERE and discover why we are different.

*Which? Money Team Oct 23