Home Instead report reveals that older people feel excluded from society

Launched this week, our New Ageing Index is our latest piece of consumer research. Surveying 1,000 people across the UK of all ages, we have uncovered the hopes, fears and aspirations of old age.

We’re proud to be champions of issues affecting older people. Over the years, we and our franchise offices have raised awareness of a whole range of topics, from dementia to scams. Our New Ageing Index shows that as a society we need to make more effort to include older people in areas such as health, politics and fashion.

It has been fantastic to see the public already show their support for the message behind our survey. The Daily Express published the findings, reporting that over a third of older people feel like they’re getting ‘cancelled’ as they age. With a new government in full swing, the article calls upon Labour to make the UK a better place to grow old in.

Martin Jones MBE, CEO of Home Instead UK and International, said: “We urgently need to challenge how older people are both perceived and treated in this country.

“Traditional stereotypes have become completely outdated. Older people can make a huge contribution and it’s clear from our research that they want to embrace life and be catered for at every level.

“This research shows that we need to bin the stereotype and rethink what it means to grow old in Britain today.

“Today’s older generation want to be active, to have fun – and to be involved.

“The image we may have of retirees whose horizons have shrunk to just a bit of daytime TV and a cup of tea simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.”

The rulebook of retirement needs to be rewritten, and we’re delighted to be leading the way! We look forward to canvassing the public’s attitudes on old age some more. Stay tuned for more insights.