Dementia Friendly Mamma Mia

Movie theater with an audience watching the title screen of "Mamma Mia!" on the big screen. - Home Instead

Home Instead in partnership with Everyman Harrogate supported Dementia Action Week  between 15th-21st May 2023 by hosting a dementia friendly screening of the popular sing along musical Mamma Mia.

Dementia Action Week is an awareness raising campaign.  Every year the Alzheimer’s Society  works with individuals and organisations across the UK to raise awareness . This year’s theme is dementia diagnosis.

Home Instead Harrogate, Ripon and Thirsk  support people living with dementia in their own homes, to ensure they live well with the right  help and support in place  to remain independent with  a good quality of life.

The dementia  friendly screenings at the Everyman Harrogate enable those living with dementia to continue to enjoy trips to the cinema but in a comfortable environment with the lights on low and the sound at the right level.

The screening of Mamma Mia on the 16th May 2023 was well attended with 26 people who enjoyed tea and coffee beforehand and a chat together before the movie started.

If you would like to find out more about the dementia friendly screenings please contact Home Instead on 01423 774490

Home Instead and the Everyman host dementia friendly screenings

The lights are on low and the sound not too loud, a comfortable environment to watch a movie with  a great friendly  atmosphere.

Red neon sign pointing to "Screen 5" with an arrow indicating direction against a dark background. - Home Instead