End Of Life Training: September 2024

Some of our fantastic Care Professionals recently completed their City & Guilds Accredited End Of Life specialist training, congratulations to them!

Two women smiling and holding a certificate in front of a purple wall and display case with awards. - Home Instead

End Of Life Training: September 2024

Home Instead, Harrogate, Ripon & Thirsk would like to say a big congratulations to some of our amazing Care Professionals who recently completed their City & Guilds accredited End Of Life specialist awareness training. 

This specialist programme included a deep introduction into Dementia and Alzheimer’s, which is particularly salient this month, as part of ‘World Alzheimer’s Month’. Care Professionals also learnt about encouraging client engagement, nutrition, and understanding behavioral expressions in often very distressing and complex end of life cases. Care Professionals were also trained to understand unmet needs, and how this can impact various client behavioral patterns, which can often occur in our community, especially in more isolated rural areas, such as Nidderdale (where we have many delightful clients).

Home Instead Harrogate, Ripon & Thirsk will continue to provide top quality specialist training for all of our Care Professionals, to boost awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer’s in the local community, and to achieve consistent, quality home care.

If you have any questions about the training that we provide, or if you are interested in joining our team, please contact the office today (01423 774490) or browse our handy website for more information. We can’t wait to hear from you!

(Pictured: Sheena presenting Katie, one of our extremely experienced Care Professionals with her training certificate, September, 2024).

Two women smiling and holding a certificate in front of a purple wall and display case with awards. - Home Instead