The New Ageing Index Report: July 2024

Our perception of old age is changing for the better...

Four people walking through a grassy field with rolling green hills in the background under a clear blue sky. - Home Instead

The New Ageing Index Report: July 2024

Our perception of old age is changing for the better. How we imagine our later years to be is now so much more positive. This was confirmed in July, a month dedicated to researching and understanding data from the New Ageing Index Report.

Here, Home Instead conducted a survey of over 1000 adults of all ages across the UK. We found that people’s appetite for life doesn’t dip as life progresses; in fact, staying active in old age is more important for the highest age bracket.

An elderly man walking with a cane is accompanied by a smiling woman on a paved street with shops in the background. - Home Instead

Individual attitudes and awareness to ageing, staying healthy, active, and independent has become much more positive in recent years, which was only confirmed in our study.

Here are some promising statistics from the New Ageing Index Report dataset:

  • Keeping active: 89% of the UK’s oldest people now endorse an active lifestyle.
  • Keeping healthy: 66% of all respondents endorse diet and exercise as a means to stay youthful. This rises to 76% among those who care for an older loved one.
  • Keeping active: An average 85% agree with the need to stay active. Rising to 89% among over-75s.
  • Remaining independent: People are more concerned about the prospect of ending up in a care home (44%) than they would be about the death of a partner (36%). This fear goes up steeply with age: 60% for 66-74s and 68% for 75s-plus.

The report also revealed some saddening statistics about exclusion of elderly population. For example, 53% feel that older people are culturally excluded. Cultural exclusion typically means many older people find it difficult to access digital solutions, technologies, fashion products, music, and film widely available to the ‘younger’ population. There is a sentiment that much more of these ‘modern conveniences’ could be made accessible for older people.

Client with family - Home Instead

Home Instead, Harrogate, Ripon and Thirsk have taken these statistics to the core of the services we provide in the local community.

We are keen to promote a keen sense of well being, belonging, and inclusion within our community. This is evident through our local community events, Dementia friendly screenings, and coffee mornings. Don’t miss out on our Virtual Dementia Bus, coming to Harrogate on the 23rd August, where you can scientifically understand what it feels like to live with dementia!

If you have any concerns about a loved one, or questions about the services we provide, please call the office on: 01423 774490.

Two women gardening together, one holding a watering can and the other tending to potted plants. - Home Instead