Age Without Limits

Home Instead Ipswich, Woodbridge and Felixstowe are proud to support Centre for Better Ageing's new campaign 'Age Without Limits'.

Smiling elderly woman in a yellow sweater stands at a doorway with text about ageism: "are you one of them?. - Home Instead

Age Without Limits

We are proud to support a new campaign, ‘Age Without Limits’ which aims to change how we all think about ageing.

The campaign organisers, Centre for Better Ageing (a charity funded by The National Lottery Community Fund), say that Ageism is the most widespread form of discrimination in the UK.

The Age Without Limits movement is looking to challenge how we think and support the growing number of people and businesses (like ours) who are working to make society more age-inclusive.

They have found that Half of people aged over 50 in England experienced age discrimination in the last year.

Most of us unwittingly hold ageist beliefs, but are you one of them? Why not take the challenge and find out:

Follow the link to learn more about this fantastic campaign

No Desire to Retire?
Smiling elderly woman in a yellow sweater stands at a doorway with text about ageism: "are you one of them?. - Home Instead