How Our Lancaster Home Care Brought Joy to a Client Living with Alzheimer's

An inspiring story of how home care in Lancaster transformed daily life for our client. Discover how personalised and local care at home can change lives.<br />

How Our Lancaster Home Care Brought Joy to a Client Living with Alzheimer's

This Month is Dementia Action Week, and we want to share a heartwarming story from our team at Home Instead Lancaster of one of our clients living with Alzheimer’s. Illustrating how home care and a relationship with regular Care Professionals can be transformative and lead to positive outcomes.

A Lancaster story: Care at home with Alzheimer’s

In 2021, we began working with one of our current clients who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She still remains fiercely independent and has at times struggled to accept her diagnosis. Our involvement as a visiting home care team was primarily to assist with her medication reminders, due to her short-term memory issues, and to help at home with household tasks and shopping. 

Before her diagnosis and before our nationwide lockdowns, she was an active community member, regularly attending the theatre and cinema, and swimming three times a week. The impact of lockdowns and the restrictions had had a significant impact on our client. She had developed a distrust for going outside, which led to her stopping all the activities that she once loved. Recognising the need to rebuild her confidence and trust, we assembled a small, dedicated team to provide consistent and compassionate support.

Shared interests for meaningful conversations

To effectively support her, we matched her with Care Professionals from our wonderful local team, who shared similar interests, and so could engage with her in meaningful conversations. This approach helped to rekindle her enthusiasm for her favourite activities and to start to get excited about interests again. We started slowly, first taking short trips in the car to places she used to visit in Lancaster and the surrounding area, and gradually progressed to enjoying coffee and cake at a local cafe.

Shared interests for meaningful conversations

Positive outcomes and smiles all round!

Recently, during a home visit from her regular Home Instead Care Professional, our client received a flyer from the local theatre and expressed interest in an upcoming show. Seizing the opportunity, her Care Professional quickly arranged tickets and organised the trip. This past Friday, they attended the theatre together. Our client thoroughly enjoyed the show, and although she was a bit tired the following days, she was beaming with joy and shared her wonderful experience with everyone and anyone she met!

Through our tailored care approach at Home Instead in Lancaster, we were able to help our client rediscover joy and independence, with support and encouragement, significantly improving her quality of life.

Positive outcomes and smiles all round!

Q: Does Home Instead Lancaster provide personalised dementia care plans?

A: Yes, individualised care plans are designed to cater to the unique needs and interests of each and every client, we tailor your care plan according to your care needs, personality and situation and adjust as needs change. Our Care Professionals are equipped with specialist training for dementia care. 

To learn more about our home care services in Lancaster including our specialist care for dementia and Alzheimer’s, call our professional and friendly local team on 01524 951574. 

If you are interested in becoming part of our empathetic and professional Care Professional team and to make a difference to the lives of people in our community in Lancaster, you can visit our website and apply online.