Who Cares?

Growing older needn't mean growing lonelier.

Elderly man with glasses and a big smile, riding a bicycle outdoors on a sunny day. - Home Instead

All By Yourself?

We’ve all heard the phrases “It takes a village to raise a child,” and “No man is an island” – we know how important social interaction is to our mental and physical health and wellbeing. Yet so many elderly people in our community are still suffering from social isolation.

The reality is that as we age, we may need support to be able to access the community in the way we used to, and to take part in activities we enjoy. We are living, and working, longer than ever before – meaning that sometimes immediate family may live a long way away, or have very little free time to support their aging relatives as much as they would like to. In a fast-paced world, time and distance can be a huge obstacle to overcome.

But the elderly are a vital part of our community, with so much to contribute!

Elderly woman with white hair gazing out of a window thoughtfully, resting her chin on her hands, wearing a beige sweater. - Home Instead

Something In The Way?

The ageing process can throw many obstacles to socialising in our way, but they’re rarely insurmountable! With a little support and simple adaptations, the vast majority of older people can continue to enjoy doing the things they love!

And what’s more, everyone can benefit from ensuring that our senior population remain part of the community. With their life experience, unique perspectives and knowledge they have so much to contribute to our lives.

If you or your loved one are having trouble accessing the community or taking part in activities you used to enjoy, Home Instead can help! Many of our clients utilise our service to help them get out and about. All our care professionals are fully insured and happy to take our clients out in their car to wherever they’d like to go. From a trip to the local cafe, attending a salon appointment, days out at local attractions or even help to access day centres or clubs, our care pros are honoured to be your companion and help you overcome the obstacles ageing may have created.

There are many aids and adaptations available to help older people retain their ability to thrive in the community. If you would love to take your older relative out and about but don’t know how to go about it, speak to their GP who should be able to signpost you to NHS services such as occupational therapists who can assess which aids to mobility are best suited to your unique circumstances.

Elderly group joyfully dancing outdoors, wearing casual clothing, with trees and a tent in the background. - Home Instead

If you know someone who could benefit from home help or companionship in Littlehampton or the surrounding areas, we will be happy to discuss our services

Call us today on 01903 206079