Keeping Cool in the Summer Months

As the summer months bring warmer weather, take a look at our tips on staying cool and safe in the heat and sun.

As we hit the summer months, many of us will be happy to throw open those windows and enjoy the summer sun. The sunshine makes us feel happy and it offers a great source of vitamin D to keep us healthy.

However, we also need to be careful in the heat as it can have some negative affects on our bodies, especially for those of us of an older vintage! Higher temperatures and humidity can present risks to health, particularly in older bodies which are often unable to adjust to sudden changes in temperature. This can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

With this in mind, here are a few tips on how to make the most of the summer weather but stay safe and cool in the process:

  1. Avoid the hottest times of the day (between 11am-3pm) – If you need to venture out during the midday sun, make sure you are not outside for long periods of time and find shady spots where you can. Our Care Professionals can always help you place a sun umbrella and chair in the garden so you can get some fresh air and a cool breeze, without sitting in direct sunlight.
  2. Keep Hydrated – Even if you are not that thirsty, its important to drink plenty of water or fruit juice to replace fluids lots through perspiration. Avoid caffeine or alcohol which increase dehydration. Keep some ice lollies in the fridge as a cool treat. And if you have a Home Instead Care Professional visiting you, we know the importance of good hydration, so will always leave a cool jug of fresh water at easy distance for you to sip during the day.
  3. Think Lightweight – Choose clothing that is loose, lightweight, light coloured and breathable, such as a white linen shirt. And think layers, as early mornings or evenings can get a little nippy when the sun has gone down. Our Care Professionals can ensure you have all the right pieces of clothing to hand and can help with your laundry too if you’d like a particular item ironed for that day (linen is a tricky fabric to iron!).
  4. Cool Down – Take cool showers and baths when possible. Our team are always on hand to be in the house with you while you shower if you’d prefer to have someone close in case of a slip. Or we can prepare a nice, cooling bath to bring your temperature down at the end of the day, ensuring a peaceful nights sleep. When you are out, use a cotton handkerchief soaked in sold water and place it on the back of your neck and wrists to keep cool.
  5. Sleeping – When the weather is, sleeping can be uncomfortable. Run a think cloth, like a muslin, in cold water and lay it on your skin as you sleep. To refresh, simply wave gently it in the air and you’ll find it chills up again (when the material is thin). Leave windows and curtains open if it is safe to do so to make the most of the night breeze.
  6. Cover Up – In addition to wearing cooler clothing, its also important to remember to wear a hat when outside. Covering up the top of your head and shading your face will ensure you do not get burnt of feel ill with sunstroke. Remember to apply suncream to any exposed skin to avoid nasty sunburn. Our Care Professionals can help with picking up any seasonal products, such as sunscreen, when they pop out to the shops for you.
  7. Pick The Perfect Spot – Seek out the coolest areas of your house during warmer weather. Our team can help make this area cosy with your favourite armchair or by moving the TV to a different angle and closing the curtains to prevent the sun from heating up the room. Its a good idea to keep blinds and curtains shut during the day and then open to catch the evening breeze.

We hope you have found these tips helpful in ensuring we safely enjoy the beautiful weather. If you’d like to hear more about how Home Instead can support you to live well in your own home, call us on 01628 299 097.

keep cool in summer woman drinking water sitting on her bed home instead