December News at Home Instead in St Austell

Our news from December

Christmas Tree and Star Award Gifts

Festive team Meetings in St Austell

Throughout December we have had team meetings with our Care Professionals in our St Austell office. It is a chance to meet up and share experiences and pass on news and updates with some tea and cake. This December we tried some decorating of biscuits too! Undergoing activities such as this with clients can be great fun and helps stimulate conversations and treasured memories of times in the past.

This month we welcomed two new Care professionals into the team. Amber will be working on the North Coast around Wadebridge and Nicole will be caring for people in St Austell starting in January. Amber completed initial training in our office in Par Moor where we cover an introduction to Home Instead, professional boundaries, mental capacity, safeguarding, medication support and moving and positioning. We explain how we develop our Care Plans and how to recognise, report and record any concerns. Following this, she are did shadow visits with experienced members of the team and will be back in next week for further training on more advanced care skills and medication support. Following this, in the next few months we will complete courses in Dementia Care and Palliative Care .  Most of all, we teach how with Home Instead, the social and emotional support we provide is the most important thing. We wish to help our clients enjoy their lives at home.

We are looking to recruit about 2 or 3 caring, compassionate and reliable people a month in 2025 so please call on 01726 829312 or see our page Care Careers in Mid Cornwall

Care Professionals decorating cakes

Education and Care at Callywith College in Bodmin

It was a privilege to meet students at Callywith College in Bodmin and discuss possible careers in care with the students and other organisations. The students were in their second year of various courses and were looking to go on to a variety of roles. Some were planning on going onto further education in medicine or nursing and some planned to work in occupational therapy or as paramedics. They asked great questions and showed a real interest in the options available.

One of the things we wish to change at Home Instead is the perception of working in care. With all the pressures of funding and shortages in the care sector, the image in the media can be rather negative. In reality, it is an incredibly rewarding role to help people who need care and support. Our local vision is to Improve and Professionalise the Experience of Working in Care. As well as improving the experience of frontline care work, we want to provide a career pathway for people with the ability and desire to progress. Roles as Senior Care professionals, Coordinators and Care Managers will be very rewarding careers to develop as there is a high and growing demand for the right people in these management roles.

We are looking forward to going back to Callywith College in Bodmin for Destinations day in February.

Admiral Nurse Care and Share in Bodmin

In mid December we went to the Integrated Admiral Nurse Service Care and Share Event in Carew House, Bodmin.

This is always a great opportunity to hear about other organisations and services providing care and support in Mid Cornwall. Laura Vercoe spoke about some of the innovative Dementia Research being done in Cornwall. Jan Jenner from Hunrosa spoke about their work on advising about Sleep and it’s benefits. Paul Jones and a team from Garner ward in Bodmin spoke about the very valuable work they do in caring for people living with higher needs in Dementia Care and rehabilitating them back to a care home or their own home.

On the stands we met the Fires Service Educators who have offered to come to out training centre in Par Moor to teach us and our trainers on how we can help clients and their families reduce fire risk in their homes. We look forward to this in early 2025. Cornwall Home Fire Safety

Our Home Instead water bottles proved very popular again and went quickly. I must remember to take more next time!.

Home Instead Dementia Care In Mid Cornwall

Our Guide to Memory Cafes in Mid Cornwall

Seven purple "Home Instead" branded water bottles arranged on a purple surface. - Home Instead