A Mile a Day in May For Dementia UK by Home Instead Caregiver Cathy

Cathy raised £415 for Dementia UK helping the Admiral Nurse Service caring for people with, and alongside dementia.

Cathy walking for Dementia UK

Our Care Professional Cathy raises £415 for Dementia UK

My Mile a Day in May

This month I have walked a mile every day for Dementia UK and raised £415 .

Rain or shine I didn’t miss a single day, even on the days when it rained, I thought Dementia doesn’t take a day off so neither will I, so I put my wet weather gear on and out I went. (My mum says there’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing)

1 mile a day may not sound a lot so to make it more of a challenge for me on my working days I did my mile walk before I started my working day. Many of those who know me will know I’m not a morning person, but I did it as early as 6.30 some mornings (I slept well those nights)

I did this for some dear friends of mine whose parents are living with Dementia and for all my wonderful clients.

I’d like to thank everyone who sponsored me I didn’t expect to raise that much so a big thank you to you all.

The total raised for the 31miles in may Dementia UK sponsored walk by everyone who did it is £979,758.02. 


Person in a black raincoat and hat stands on a paved path, smiling with arms outstretched, in front of colorful flowers. - Home Instead

About Dementia UK

Dementia UK are the specialist dementia nursing charity that provides support and advice through their Admiral Nurses to people living with and alongside dementia.

As well as helping the person with dementia, the Admiral Nurses help the family and friends recognising that in doing this they can help them best care for the person living with dementia and cope with the complex challenges that can develop.

Reducing Dementia Risks in Cornwall

In walking regularly, Cathy is doing one of the top things to reduce the risk of dementia. At the recent Admiral Nurse Care and Share Event in Cornwall, Dr Vikki Brown gave a great talk about this with exercise as one of the most important ways. Regular movement is the key thing as sitting down for more than 30m can result in a decrease in fitness and wellbeing. In our office in St Austell our dogs Truffles, Barney and Albus help us keep active!

The Admiral service in Cornwall can be contacted on [email protected]

For the main Dementia UK Site –  Home – Dementia UK

Our guide to memory cafes here  Guide to Memory Cafes in Mid Cornwall (homeinstead.co.uk)