Home Instead Attend the Careers Fayre in Abergavenny

Kat & Nic head to Abergavenny

Home Instead attend Abergavenny Jobs Fayre

On Thursday 11th April Katrianna Devlin the Recruitment Officer and Nicola Masters Community Engagement Officer headed to Abergavenny for a jobs fayre in the heart of Abergavenny at the Market Hall and hosted by the Julia Finney South East Wales Employer Services.

The morning began early and from the looks of the tables that had been laid out was set to be well attended with employers joining forces to showcase the best of what they had and to offer employment opportunities to local residents.  We were on hand to network and raise awareness of our available positions in Monmouthshire and came away with some great contacts, potential clients and collabrations which over the next few weeks we will continue to develop.

Thank you Julia for a well organised and structured event.