Managing Better

An elderly woman uses a tablet. Text reads "Managing Better: An independent living service for sensory loss, stroke, and dementia. - Home Instead

Improving Homes and Changing Lives

As one of our mission statements ‘Home Is Best’ we visited Care and Repair Monmouthshire and Torfaen to learn all about the help and advice that they could provide for people over 60 to remain in their homes.

In each newsletter we aim to discover the best advice and support to help our clients navigate older life with ease and our experience with Care and Repair showed us how they are changing lives for the better.

They can support with healthy home checks to help identify any hazards, access to grants for minor home adaptations, welfare benefits check and to help complete applications such as attendance allowance. Advice on Home Energy efficiency, fire and safety, funding options, sensory impairment and much more.

‘Home is Best’ and with a little support you can and will remain safe.

An elderly woman and a younger woman smile warmly at each other. The elderly woman holds a magazine. - Home Instead