Halloween Fun with Home Instead Newcastle

Halloween Fun this October at Home Instead Newcastle!

Halloween Training at the Home Instead Newcastle Office, with two care pro's sat at the table, and the trainer at the other side with a laptop delivering training. Halloween decorations are hung up on the ceiling.

This October, we asked our clients, care pro’s and key workers to get involved in some Halloween pumpkin designing and share their pictures with us! We wanted to share with you the pictures we had sent in.

This was a lovely activity for our clients and their care pro’s to complete together, with many saying how lovely it was to see our clients get so involved with making their designs. Thank you so much for all who got involved and sent in their pictures.

We have also enjoyed some Halloween themed training in the office this month, which always brings a smile to our faces!

A graphic collage of 7 pumpkin design sheets that were sent in to the office. One has a face with snakes coming out of the mouth, one is Newcastle United Football themed, one is decorated with leaves. Others have Pumpkin faces drawn on and coloured in orange.