Newcastle Dementia Voice Group

Dementia Voice is an involvement group for local<br /> people with a dementia diagnosis.

Care Professional chatting with client showing off something on mobile phone - Home Instead

Newcastle Dementia Voice Group

The Dementia Voice Group meets monthly to share ideas, insights and experiences with professionals from carers and those living with Dementia.

This involvement group is designed for local people in Newcastle with a dementia diagnosis, and their insights will help to influence change with Alzheimer’s Society, Health Services, Local Authority, Research and other organisations.

It also offers the chance for people living with dementia to test and give feedback on innovative technology and products that support those affected by dementia.

  • If you are interested in going along, their next sessions are held on Thursday 1st August and Thursday 5th September from 11am to 1pm.
  • Cruddas Park Surgery, 178 Westmorland Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7JT
  • Please contact 0191 298 3989 or [email protected] if you would like to join, or to get information on future dates.
Two men sit on a couch, enjoying a card game and laughing, with mugs on the table. - Home Instead