How to prepare and stay safe in cold weather

Newcastle Upon Tyne have been hit with weather warnings for cold and ice, here's a few things to get prepared!

An elderly woman and a younger woman are smiling and sharing tea in a cozy, bright living room. - Home Instead

Stay Safe in Cold Weather

Newcastle Upon Tyne have been hit with cold weather this past week, and a weather warning for snow, sleet and ice. This type of weather increases the risks of slips and falls, especially on untreated paths outside of the home. So here are some tips to stay safe in the cold weather!

  • Please take care and if you can, try to avoid leaving the house in case of injury.
  • If you do leave the house, try to use pavements along main roads, as these tend to be less slippery and treated with salt.
  • Take extra care when walking on slippery paths, and prepare for the journey with extra time and grippy shoes.
  • When at home, make sure the house is at a comfortable temperature, drink hot drinks and eat hot meals, and use blankets to stay warm.
If you are able to leave the house safely to help support your elderly neighbours, you can do so by ensuring they have enough food in the house so they don’t need to leave, checking that they are well, and offering to clear and treat paths around their home.
Map of UK with snowflake warning sign overlay, indicating weather alert. - Home Instead