Building A Workplace Culture of Care

Home Instead North Herts is recognised by Work Buzz as a 5-star employer. Every year our staff are invited to complete a survey about things they enjoy.

Home Instead North Herts Carer and Client enjoying a companionship visit together

Home Instead North Herts is recognised by Work Buzz as a 5-star employer. Every year our staff are invited to complete a survey about things they enjoy about working for the company as well as things they feel we can do better. Scores have been overwhelmingly positive, here is what our staff told us:

  • 95% of our Care Professionals are proud to work for Home Instead
  • 95% of our staff agree they are given opportunities to learn new skills.
  • 95% of our Care Professionals agree that Home Instead North Herts is a great place to work.
  • 95% of our staff feel like they are part of a team.
  • 95% of our staff feel they are treated fairly regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

Getting to this level of staff satisfaction involved a dedicated and long-term commitment to employee engagement, but they have been worth doing as we feel our staff is engaging with us and they feel happy to share ideas and concerns.

Birthday Cards

Each employee receives a handwritten birthday card to recognise and celebrate their special day. Care Professionals also get the day off for their birthday because we appreciate employees wish to be spending this important time with their family and friends. They also get a birthday shoutout on social media. Each client also gets a handwritten birthday card. We also send flowers for milestone birthdays and anniversaries.

Anniversary Pins

Anniversary pins with a thank you letter are presented to each employee on their work anniversary. This has been well received by our employees because it is a tangible symbol of dedication by staff as well as allows us to show gratitude for their continued commitment to the company. This is also a great time to have a chat with employees because they reflect on their time with the company and share anecdotes about their time spent with clients.

Saying Thank You

Recognising and appreciating staff whose exceptional efforts have made a significant difference to others has also been fundamental to building a positive work culture. Each week we send thank you cards to these inspiring individuals to let them know how much we appreciate them and that their dedication has not gone unnoticed.

Celebrating Success

Celebrating significant achievements like staff who completed training or other personal and professional milestones receive public recognition on social media.

Regular Lunches and Town Hall Meetings

Bringing staff together for catch-up and lunch has been a great way to foster team cohesion, boost morale, and encourage collaboration.
Within the town Hall meetings, we involve Care Professionals in the decision-making as far as possible. They know their clients better than office staff, so we value their input in the care they deliver.

Care Pros work remotely and don’t often get a chance to meet other Care Pros. These catch-ups allow them to put faces to names. They may see the same clients but don’t get a chance to meet the other Care Pros. Here they get the opportunity to share knowledge about the care the client receives.


Each new member of staff is assigned a mentor who is an experienced Care Professional who would be able to help them integrate and answer questions they may have in the first few months of starting the job. They are matched with their mentor by interest, personality, and shared clients which helps build rapport. They arrange a time they can meet up for a coffee and a chat and we ensure they are paid for the time. Our mentoring program has been a fantastic success. New employees tell us they feel they have so much more support to rely upon. They also report it makes them feel like they are part of a team and much more confident within the role.

Community Work

Recently we have started fundraising for the community and have asked our employees to participate. Our current fundraising project is £4,500 for a Raizer chair, which is an emergency lifting chair to help a person who has had a fall move to a sitting or standing position while waiting for the emergency services. We held a bake sale and we received overwhelming support from our Care Professionals who enjoyed coming together for a shared community purpose.

We are very pleased with our achievements in building a positive workplace culture and our focus is to continue to build on success. The well-being and satisfaction of our employees continue to be a priority, we receive so many compliments from our clients about how much they enjoy our employees visiting them.