Join Us in Crafting Forget-Me-Nots for Dementia Week!

We are yarnbombing across North Hertfordshire in memory of those we love who are affected by dementia.

Crocheted blue flowers with orange centers in a brown dish, beside green stems on a textured gray surface. - Home Instead

“Remembering Loved Ones Affected by Dementia”

Losing someone to dementia is a deeply painful experience. To watch helplessly as they fade and forget us. This is why we launched our “I Will Remember To Never Forget You” campaign to give the ones who have been affected by this experience a chance to celebrate their loved one.

May 13th to 19th 2024 is Dementia Action Week and we invite everyone to join us in a heartwarming initiative to knit or crochet forget-me-not flowers. These delicate blossoms serve as a symbol of remembrance, honouring those affected by dementia and spreading awareness of this important cause.

What Are We Doing? We’re Yarnbombing Of Course!

Don’t you just love a pretty post-box topper? They pop up from nowhere, make you smile, and take a photo to share on Facebook “Look what I just saw in town…”. We are making post box toppers and anything to display in public places to share our memories of the ones we love affected by Dementia. We want to raise awareness of all the support, knowledge, and kindness available to everyone affected by dementia. We also want to remember those we have lost, but not forgotten.

How to Get Involved

Home Instead North Herts have teamed up with Wool and All inside Stepping Stones Letchworth Garden City (next to Iceland). There you can get all your yarns and patterns to make forget-me-nots. When you make your creations, pop them along to Naomi at the store. Naomi also hosts a Knit & Natter, Crochet & Chatter group on Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm that you can join to get more involved. 25 Commerce Way, Garden Square, Letchworth, Hertfordshire.

Can’t Knit or Crochet?

You can still show support by donating to our fundraising, and one of our wonderful crafters will make you an item in memory of a loved one.

You Also Get

Everyone who gets involved will get a personalised label added to the item when it is on display as well as photos of your creation on social media.

Together, let’s knit or crochet a beautiful tapestry of forget-me-nots to honour those impacted by dementia and show our commitment to building a more dementia-inclusive society.

Knit and Crochet

Join us by knitting or crocheting forget me not flowers in memory of someone affected by dementia. Don’t worry if you can’t knit or crochet, get in touch and we will have an item made for you to remember your loved one.

Knit or crochet forget me nots for Dementia week 2024

Make A Donation and We Will Make You a Craft Item To Add To The Yarnbomb Display

Make a donation to our Raizer Chair Fund and one of our wonderful knitters/crochet-ers will make you a beautiful yarn craft and display it with a label in memory of your loved one. Follow the link or use the QR Code to our Crowd Funding Page. And don’t forget to leave a message and contact details. Make Your Donation Here

Make A Donation
Purple text on a white background reading "Donate To Our Just Giving Page" with a large letter "G" and "JustGiving" branding. - Home Instead

Crochet Pattern For Forget-Me-Nots

Crochet pattern for forget me nots for dementia

Working in Partnership With Wool & All in Letchworth Garden City

Join us every Tuesday 1pm to 3pm for Knit and Natter, Crochet and Chatter where we make our forget me nots. 25 Commerce Way, Garden Square, Letchworth, Hertfordshire.

Home Instead Partners with Wool and All for Dementia Action Week in may 2024