Home Instead Norwich Support Clients Return Home From Hospital

A client, eager to regain the familiarity of their own space after his hospital admission, was made easy with the support of Home Instead Norwich.

Client - Home Instead

One of our clients here at Home Instead was admitted to hospital in January 2024 with some stomach problems. This meant he was in hospital for 2 weeks before there was discussions of him being able to go home by the doctor. Fortunately for this client, he had already been receiving care from Home Instead Norwich which made the transition from the Norfolk and Norwich hospital to home quite simple.

Home Instead Norwich were able to ensure that a care package tailored to his needs were in place prior to him coming back to the place where he calls home. He increased his visits from his Home Instead Care Professionals which included over night care and hourly care. With having Care at Home in place prior to his return home, we were able to give our client peace of mind and reduce his anxiety. Having care in place ready for discharge will help prevent bed blocking in your local hospital.

Home Care, in this context became the bridge between hospital and home. Beyond the physical aspects of care, our team at Home Instead focus on creating an emotionally supportive environment, understanding the emotional toll that such transitions can take. We aim to make the clients home a place of comfort and healing.

A latest study found that 1 in 7 beds in the hospital were occupied by someone who was ready to be discharged during 2023. Hospitals have been under a lot of pressure over the last few years, and it is really important to get people back to the place they know and love called home once medically fit to do so.

We were so happy to support our client with his smooth hospital discharge this year, and we hope to support more people facing the challenge of transitioning from hospital to home. More specialist support can be offered at Home Instead which includes cancer care, dementia care, palliative and post operative recovery.

For more information on Care at Home in Norwich or getting help with a hospital discharge visit our website here or call a member of our team on 01603 963317.