3 Great Coffee Shops in Oxford

For a real taste of great coffee in Oxford there are plenty of great Coffee Shops in Oxford but we have a couple of favs which we think you should check out!

A woman and an elderly man sitting at a wooden table in a garden, conversing and enjoying drinks and pastries. - Home Instead

At Home Instead Oxford we love a great cup of Coffee, however, we are a bit fussy and love an expertly made cup and always seek out some of the best in Oxford. We especially love some of Oxford’s independent Coffee Shops. Scattered all around Oxford you can find some of the city’s best hidden gems for both Food and Drink when it comes to getting your daily caffeine fix!

1. The Vaults

Nestled in the Vaults of St Mary’s Church on Radcliffe Square in Oxford, The Vaults is an award-winning café serving up ethically sourced meals and drinks and has been since it’s inception. The Vaults is one of those fantastic Café’s with not only great food, drink and produce but also a stellar, unique setting which is unrivalled in any other Café in Oxford. It’s cosy set up and friendly staff really make this an outstanding stop for your morning cup of coffee. If you’re visiting in the summer make sure you grab one of their outside tables which look directly on the Radcliffe Camera, which is one of the most famous buildings in Oxford.


2. The Grand Cafe’

Sitting on the site of the oldest Coffee Shop in England, according to Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1650, over 3 centuries later this site inn Oxford is continually occupied by a Coffee/café vendor. With relaxing and warm hospitality in the Heart of Oxford the Grand Café is not hard to find, just a short walk away from the Bodleian Library and Magdalen College this opulent looking building is hard to miss. During the day Oxford’s Grand Café serves their locally sourced ingredients in the form of delicious lunch’s, Cream Teas & High Teas, this Café is certainly one not to miss on your trip to Oxford The Grand Café not only provides some excellent food and drink but an experience to be treasured and enjoyed.


3. The Ashmolean

Obviously known for it’s outstanding collection of history and ever changing exhibits but what they keep relatively quiet is that they have a great rooftop restaurant and Café. Oxford’s Ashmolean is a fantastic space to not only spend a day taking in the sights of what the museum has to offer but taking in some refreshments after that is a great way to finish off time well spent in Oxford. Having some food and drink coupled with some outstanding views and all the profits go towards keeping the museum free entry what’s not to like! Be sure to add this one to your list on your next visit!


There’s plenty of coffee Shops and cafés inn Oxford to choose from but we really like these. We think these unique picks will have you coming back again and again for your regular cup and keep you exploring their menus and locations throughout the whole year. Where’s your favourite Café in Oxford? Let us know!

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