Industry leading training

At Home Instead, we partner with the world's best training organisations to help you be your very best

Industry Leading Training

Great care starts with great training

Our training is exceptional, and because of this we are the best place for you to begin your career in care. We’ll set you up for success from the start with a great introduction to care, and then help you build your knowledge, skills, and confidence in your new role using our development pathways. We provide a great selection of learning opportunities and resources to help you grow and develop the skills you need to be a capable and confident Care Professional.

We are the only care company to be awarded two Princess Royal Training Awards. These are for our dementia training and our end of life training, which are also both City & Guilds assured and Continual Professional Development certified, giving you the reassurance that our training really is the best.

Industry Leading Training

Our training is tailor-made for you.

Everyone who comes to us for help has different needs and requirements, and we do our best to match them with the Care Professionals who will be most suitable for them. Just as our care is tailored for our clients, so must our training be tailored for our Care Professionals. From new starters to old hands, all our staff have access to the best resources and support, so that they in turn can offer their best to those who need it.

This is underpinned by our fundamental belief that caring is an essential and professional role, which deserves to be invested in for years to come.

Learning for today's world

Our workshops cover a range of topics, from general guidance on medication, manual handling, safeguarding, and basic life support, to more specific subjects such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, catheter care, dementia, and end of life care. Our training is designed to be hands-on and provide practical advice, not just theory work, be this through group discussions, roleplaying, or practical competencies. We also provide virtual sessions and online modules, with a range of interactive activities and opportunities for discussion.

It’s not just in-house training, however. We know that there is more information out there than just we can provide, which is why we also arrange for external providers to visit and work with both our office and Care staff on topics such as in-depth fire safety, PPE, and even more unusual sessions such as virtual reality care experiences!

It’s important to us that you feel confident in your abilities, no matter what or who you’re dealing with, which is why our training opportunities are second to none.
