Online Discounts at High Street Retailers

Online Discounts at High Street Retailers

Who doesn’t love a discount?

We partner with BHSF network benefits to help our employees make some great savings. Whether that be on your weekly food shop, day trips with kids, holidays or dinner out on date night there is something for everyone. The online site is simple and easy to use and has hundreds of discounts available to take advantage of.

exclusive discounts


One Hour Minimum Visits

Care should never be rushed, so we’ve found the best minimum client visit time to be one hour. This help our Care Professionals focus on the overall health and wellbeing of every client.

Long Service Recognition

We wouldn’t be industry leaders without the people who’ve helped us get here. So we’re passionate about recognising and rewarding employees for the time they’ve been with us.

Online Discounts

We have hundreds of discounts for high street retailers, helping our staff live even more enjoyable and fulfilling lives.

Employee Assistance Program

Our staff’s health and wellbeing is just as important as our clients’. That’s why we offer an Employee Assistance Programme to support people through work-related or personal problems that impact their physical or mental health.

Client Matching

We’re all about building lasting relationships. So we match Care Professionals and clients based on their personalities and interests, helping them find an instant rapport with clients they’re caring for.

Industry Leading Training

Every Care Professional receives a breadth of professional knowledge and practical skills to help them keep their clients safe, well, and happy at home.