Cramlington Memory Cafe is Up and Running!

A Memory Cafe for the people of Cramlington and the surrounding areas is now running at Cramlington Community Hub. Find out more about it in our blog post.

Two people seated at a table, smiling, with coffee cups and books in front of them in a brightly lit room. - Home Instead

Our Founder, Guy Kirk along with Viv Fish, Director of Fish Electrical Services Ltd, worked together over the past few months to set up a Memory Cafe at the Community Hub in Cramlington.

Viv and Guy are part of Dementia Friendly Cramlington. They wanted to set up a friendly space where people living with dementia and their friends and partners could pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and chat with other people who share similar experiences.

It can be difficult living with dementia, and for family members it can be difficult to accept a loved one’s reality with their condition. Our Memory Cafe brings together volunteers and other members of the community, providing support and companionship on the second Wednesday of every month.

This month, as part of our Alzheimer’s UK Forget Me Not craft challenge, we took the opportunity to get creative, providing all the tools needed to make some forget-me-not cards.

If you’d like to attend our next Memory Cafe, just come along! It is on every second Wednesday between 10am and 12 noon at the Community Hub in Cramlington. Everyone welcome.