Easter Egg Campaign 2022 Spreads Joy

Our community gifted 400 Easter Eggs for our campaign ‘Be an Easter Bunny to a Someone’ we ran in conjunction with Morrison’s in Kendal.

Two smiling people wearing bunny ears posing for a photo outdoors in front of greenery and a chain-link fence. - Home Instead

Our community gifted 400 Easter Eggs for our recent campaign ‘Be an Easter Bunny to a Someone’ we ran in conjunction with Morrison’s in Kendal. We asked people to donate chocolate eggs to give to groups and organisations who help isolated and vulnerable people.

We were able to spread lots of joy and to remind people that we are thinking of them and that there are always people and groups out there that they can speak to.

We distributed them to LOTS of groups and organisations including the King’s Food Bank, Manna House, Gilling Reane Care Home, Riverside Care Home, Appletree Children’s Home, Community District Nurses, Impact Housing, Sandylands Seniors and Church Friendship group, The ‘Lunch Bunch Group’, ‘With Singing in Mind’ Group and a local Parkinson’s and Dementia Group.

We have been overwhelmed with the response of our campaign – even throughout the current cost of living crisis, members of our local community have been very generous to help those in need. So many eggs were donated, all of which have brought so many smiles to the faces of people throughout our community! THANK YOU so much to everyone who has donated. This is one of many community projects we do. We are passionate to care for our local community and the people within it, making Kendal and the South Lakes a happier and healthier place to live.