A chat with a Care Professional

We caught up with one of our Care Professionals to find out more about her relationship with her clients, and why she loves her job!

What do you enjoy most about spending time with your clients?

I enjoy hearing their life stories and learning about their experiences. Each client has a unique perspective, and spending time with them feels like opening a new chapter in a fascinating book.

Three women sitting on a couch, smiling and enjoying tea and cake together. One woman is wearing a caregiver uniform. - Home Instead

Can you share a funny or heartwarming story from your time as a live-in caregiver?

Once, I helped a client rediscover their love for drawing. We started with simple projects, and one day, we decided to draw portraits of each other. We laughed so much because neither of us are professional artists, but the end results were charming and full of personality. One of my clients, who is in her 90’s, also loves the outdoors and plane spotting. We often go to a local park and spot planes and then have lunch or a snack at a café, which really refreshes her!

Person drawing a portrait with pencils, surrounded by art supplies on a wooden table. - Home Instead

How do you like to make your clients smile or laugh during the day?

I love telling jokes, sharing funny stories, and sometimes, we watch comedy shows together. Seeing them laugh and relax brings me so much joy. I also enjoy showing them pictures on my phone of places they visited when they were younger, so they can see what they look like now. For example, one of my clients had visited a famous waterfall in America with his wife when he was younger. I was able to find some recent videos of it, he was amazed at how it had changed and loved watching them!

A smiling elderly man holding hands with a caregiver, creating a warm and joyful moment. - Home Instead

What's your favourite activity to do with your clients?

I enjoy doing puzzles and playing board games with my clients. It’s a great way to keep their minds active and engaged, and it gives us a chance to bond and have fun together. If they are up for it, I really enjoy taking them out to get them out of the house. They really appreciate this afterwards and are glad that they agreed to go out somewhere.

A hand moving a blue knight piece on a board game with hexagonal tiles and various colored dice and pieces. - Home Instead

How do you keep things fun and engaging for both you and your clients?

I like to mix up our routine with different activities, such a walking through the garden and identifying flowers or plants, cooking new things together and getting them involved, watching films or taking short walks. Keeping things varied helps prevent boredom and makes each day feel fresh.

A vibrant garden with clusters of pink, purple, and orange dahlia flowers in full bloom. - Home Instead

What hobbies or interests do you share with your clients?

Many of my clients enjoy reading, so we often discuss books and share recommendations. Some clients also enjoy music, and we listen to their favourite songs or even have little sing-alongs. Some of my clients travelled a lot when they were younger, and I love to travel myself, so I often get some great recommendations and enjoy sharing pictures of the places I have visited.

A person wearing glasses sits against a tree reading a book in a sunny park. - Home Instead

How do you celebrate special occasions, like birthdays or holidays, with your clients?

I enjoy taking them out somewhere for some cake, or if they can’t, then bringing them a card with flowers or cake. I find these small gestures really do make their day – one of my clients said my flowers lived for the longest she has ever seen them live (carnations!)

A coffee and iced tea with a brownie on a white plate and a cookie on a black plate, set on a wooden table. - Home Instead

What’s one small thing you do each day to brighten your client’s day?

I always start the day with a cheerful greeting and a smile. Small gestures, like bringing them a cup of their favourite tea or sitting down to chat, can make a big difference in their mood. I like to talk about the rest of the day with them, so if they are having another visit later, tell them that someone else will be coming to visit them soon to take them out or to make them some lovely dinner. This boosts their mood as they have something to look forward to even after I have left.

An elderly woman with a cane and a young woman smile at each other while walking outdoors in autumn. - Home Instead

What’s the best piece of advice or wisdom you’ve received from a client?

One client told me, “Always find something to look forward to, no matter how small.” This advice has stuck with me and helps me stay positive and motivated, both in my professional and personal life. Another client also gave me a fantastic recipe to clean silver – his secret recipe!

A cheerful elderly man in glasses sits at a table while a smiling young healthcare worker in blue scrubs stands beside him. - Home Instead