Download our recruitment E-Brochure to find out if being a Care Professional is the career for you.

We are recruiting in your local area. From Crossens to Formby and anywhere in-between! We are always looking for people in our local area . Apply today

Client with Care Professional - Home Instead

If you are interested in starting a career as a care professional with Home Instead, download our e-brochure. Find out why we have been awarded a 5 Star Employer award by Work Buzz!

Many of our Care Professionals have had previous careers in other sectors but they wanted a job in Southport that they felt could really make a difference. They were often put off other roles on offer such as care assistant or traditional home care jobs. They didn’t want to do short duration calls with people they didn’t get to know. This is why working for Home Instead is different. You are able to really help someone in your local community by visiting the same clients each week, that you are carefully matched with. Each client has different needs so your role can include anything from reading to someone, planning days out, running errands and light housekeeping or some of our clients need help with getting out of bed and ready for the day. There are hundreds of little things that we do for our clients that really ensures that they are safe and happy in the homes they love.

A lot of our Care Professionals came to Home Instead without any formal social care experience. But often people have a wealth of experience, they just don’t realise it! more often than not their experience has been caring for a loved one, such as an aging parent or another family member. Having the knowledge and empathy about what our clients and their families are experiencing cannot be taught in a classroom. We will provide you with the practical training that you need to be a Care Professional but you bring your heart, empathy and capacity to care about someone. These are the things that can never be taught.

If you think this could be for you then download our E-Brochure below.  We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to the team.

Download our E - Brochure here