Home care in Stirling and Falkirk

Care at Home and Live-In Care in Stirling and Falkirk. We are proud to serve the people of Stirlingshire with quality Professional Home Care and Live in Care.

Duty of Candour

Quality care in the comfort of home where you belong.

Suhail and Tasnim Rehman, along with a team of professionals understand that your own home is where you feel the most comfortable and where you feel happiest. Whether it’s Killearn, Kippen, Bridge of Allan, Grangemouth or anywhere else in Strilingshire, it’s the place you know best and are most familiar with. If you or your loved one want to remain living at home then we can help you make that choice an informed one.
Three generations enjoying time together outdoors; a child stands behind an elderly woman with two other adults nearby. - Home Instead

Award-winning service you can rely on

Award certificateAward certificate

Care Services

Care isn't always an easy topic. We will help you make an informed, compassionate choice for your loved one.

Meet the team

  • Beginning their Home Instead journey in 2013, having brought an extensive background in both business and charitable sectors, their leadership has grown over a 10 year period. Suhail Tasnim now lead 9 operational franchises throughout Scotland.

    Suhail and Tasnim Rehman

    Franchise Owners

  • Stephanie is the Service Manager. She has a wealth of knowledge within the care sector. She ensures that high quality care is delivered to our clients, and full support and guidance to our Care Pros.

    Stephanie Cunningham

    Service Manager

Home Instead Stirling and Falkirk Location Map
Stirling and Falkirk
Castlecraig Business Park,
Players Road,
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  • Areas and postcodes we cover

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AlzheimerParkinsonsHomecare AssociationBritish Franchise Association

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Make a world of difference to someone's life as you deliver outstanding care to keep our clients happy and thriving in their own homes.
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