Alzheimer's / Dementia Home Care Solutions In Stroud

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's or Dementia can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be made much easier while improving your loved ones life.

Alzheimer’s / Dementia Home Care Solutions In Stroud

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s / Dementia can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be made much easier while improving your loved one’s quality of life. At our home care services in Stroud, Gloucestershire, we provide high-quality care tailored to meet the unique needs of older people living with Dementia in their own homes. Our dedicated team is committed to offering person-centred care, ensuring your loved one receives the best care possible, whether through hourly care, full-time live-in care, or end-of-life care.

Caring for Someone With Alzheimer’s / Dementia and Home Care Solutions in Stroud

Dementia homecare support

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s / Dementia can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be made much easier while improving your loved one’s quality of life at the same time. Our home care services in Stroud, Gloucestershire, focus on delivering specialist dementia care that supports your loved one in maintaining their independence and comfort within the familiar surroundings of their own home.

In this guide, we will explore practical ways to care for loved ones with Alzheimer’s / Dementia and share practical communication tips on how you can get the most out of it, with our goal being to help you create a supportive and understanding space while making daily life a bit easier for both you and your loved one. So read on to get some valuable insights and advice from our experienced home care team here in Stroud. We offer a variety of care options, including respite care, full-time live-in care, and palliative care, ensuring that all care needs are met with the highest standard of professional care.

What is Alzheimer’s / Dementia?

Alzheimer’s / Dementia is a condition that affects the brain, making it hard for people to remember things, think clearly, or just do everyday tasks. There are also different forms of Dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular Dementia, and Lewy body dementia, each requiring a specific approach to care. Our team in Stroud is trained to handle all these variations, ensuring that your loved one receives the right care tailored to their condition.


Symptoms can include memory loss, confusion, trouble with language, and changes in mood or behaviour, to name a few, with early signs around forgetting recent events or struggling to find the right words for a conversation. Our care team provides specialist care for those with Dementia, focusing on enhancing the quality of life through person-centred care plans that address these symptoms effectively.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Alzheimer’s / Dementia can be a challenging condition for both individuals and their families, so recognising the early signs and symptoms is crucial for seeking timely help and support. Consequently, here are some key indicators to look out for, especially if you are considering home care services for a loved one.

Memory Loss

One of the most common early signs of Alzheimer’s / Dementia is memory loss, and this often includes forgetting recently learned information or important dates—or asking for the same information repeatedly. Misplacing items and being unable to retrace steps to find them can also be a sign. Our home care services include support in managing these symptoms and ensuring your loved one remains safe and comfortable in their own home.

Difficulty with Tasks

People with early Alzheimer’s / Dementia may also find it hard to complete familiar tasks, which could involve struggling with daily routines like cooking, driving to a familiar location, or even just managing finances, for instance—or they might also need help with following instructions or keeping track of tasks as well. In Stroud, our home care services are designed to help older people manage these daily challenges, providing both full-time and short-term care options.

Dementia care in action

Changes in Mood and Behaviour

Alzheimer’s / Dementia is well known for causing noticeable changes in mood and behaviour as individuals might become easily upset, confused, or suspicious of things that we take for granted as they can’t remember the context of the situation they are in. They may also show signs of depression and anxiety or display unusual behaviours such as withdrawing from social activities they once enjoyed—again due to losing the context of the environment and not feeling connected to it as they used to. As a result, early detection of these symptoms really does allow for better management and care, and if you notice these signs in a loved one, you should consider seeking professional advice for a proper diagnosis and support. Our respite care services can offer temporary relief, allowing primary caregivers to take a break while ensuring their loved ones receive high-quality care.

Types of Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe various brain disorders that affect memory, thinking, and behaviour. Here are some common types of Dementia to be aware of, each requiring tailored care plans to address their specific challenges.

Alzheimer’s Disease

This is the most common type of Dementia, and it affects memory and thinking skills, with early signs including forgetting names or even just very recent events that have just occurred. As this type progresses, it can cause confusion and mood changes as well. Our Stroud-based care team is experienced in managing Alzheimer’s care, ensuring that your loved one receives the best possible care at home.

Vascular Dementia

This type is caused by problems in the blood supply to the brain, and it often follows a stroke or a series of mini-strokes. Symptoms of vascular Dementia can include difficulty planning, concentrating, or making decisions. In Stroud, our home care services provide residential home care tailored to the needs of individuals with vascular Dementia, helping them manage their condition effectively at home.

Lewy Body Dementia

This form of Dementia is linked to abnormal deposits of protein in the brain, which can cause problems with movement and balance, as well as visual hallucinations and disrupted sleep. Fortunately, our specialist dementia care services are designed to manage these complex symptoms, ensuring that your loved one’s quality of life is maintained as much as possible.

Frontotemporal Alzheimer’s / Dementia

This type affects the front and side parts of the brain. It often leads to changes in personality and behaviour. People may become socially inappropriate or lose interest in personal hygiene. Our care team is trained in managing these unique challenges, offering person-centred care that addresses the specific needs of individuals with frontotemporal Dementia.

Causes and Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Dementia is a condition that affects the brain, leading to memory loss and changes in thinking abilities. Several causes and risk factors are associated with Alzheimer’s / Dementia, including genetic factors, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices, to name just a few. Our home care services in Stroud include comprehensive assessments to develop a personalised care plan that considers these risk factors.

Lifestyle Choices

The way you live your life plays a crucial role in your brain health. For instance, a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s / Dementia as well. So, staying physically active, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding harmful substances can really help to reduce this risk. Our home care team can assist in implementing healthy lifestyle changes, offering support services that contribute to your loved one’s overall well-being.

Understanding the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s / Dementia involves several necessary steps. Early diagnosis is key to managing the condition effectively, and our care team in Stroud can guide you through this process, ensuring your loved one receives the right care as soon as possible.

Step 1 – A Doctor’s Evaluation

First, a medical evaluation is essential. This step includes discussing the patient’s medical history, current symptoms, and any family history of Dementia — or any other neurological conditions. The doctor will also perform a physical examination to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms as well. Our home care services work closely with medical professionals to ensure a comprehensive approach to dementia care.

Step 2 – Cognitive Testing

Next, cognitive testing is conducted by a medical professional. These tests assess various Mental Health functions such as memory, problem-solving, attention, and language skills, these simple tasks and questions then help to determine if there are any significant cognitive impairments. Based on the results, our Stroud-based care team can develop a customised care plan that meets your loved one’s specific needs.

Step 3 – Medical Imaging Tests

Imaging tests are also crucial in diagnosing Alzheimer’s / Dementia, as a brain scan, such as an MRI or CT scan, allows your doctor to look for changes in the brain’s structure. These changes can then indicate the presence of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease or other types of Dementia. Our specialist dementia care services are designed to support individuals following a diagnosis, offering both short-term and long-term care options.

Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of Dementia can help in planning and managing the condition more effectively, as it allows for timely intervention, support, and care, improving the quality of life for those affected. Consequently, if you—or a loved one—are experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s / Dementia, it’s essential that you/they seek medical advice as soon as possible. In Stroud, our home care services are here to support you every step of the way, from diagnosis through to end-of-life care.

Stages of Alzheimer’s / Dementia – Early, Middle, and Late

Dementia homecare support

Alzheimer’s / Dementia progresses through three main stages. Understanding these stages really does help in providing the proper care and support. Our dedicated team in Stroud is trained to provide high-quality care at every stage, ensuring that your loved one receives the best possible support.

Early Stage

In the early stage, the symptoms are mild. People might forget names or recent events and struggle to find the right words. They can still live independently but may need a bit of help with organisation and reminders. Our home care services are designed to provide the right level of support, helping individuals maintain their independence while ensuring their safety.

Middle Stage

The middle stage sees more noticeable changes. Memory loss becomes more severe, and individuals might get lost in familiar places; in this stage, they may need help with daily tasks like cooking and dressing, and changes in mood and behaviour—such as confusion and frustration—are widespread. Our care team is experienced in providing the right care during this challenging stage, offering both hourly live-in care and respite care to support families in Stroud.

Late Stage

In the late stage, the symptoms are severe. Individuals may start to lose the ability to communicate and need full-time care, and they might not recognise their loved ones and have trouble with essential functions like just eating and walking entirely. As you can see, each stage of Alzheimer’s / Dementia presents different challenges, but with the proper support, those affected can maintain their quality of life really well. If you have any concerns about a loved one with Dementia, our dedicated home care team here in Stroud is here to help you navigate through each stage with compassion and expertise, ensuring the best care is provided.

How Does Alzheimer’s / Dementia Impact Your Daily Life?

Alzheimer’s / Dementia affects every part of daily life, making simple tasks very challenging to complete. For those with Alzheimer’s / Dementia, for instance, personal life changes significantly, with memory problems meaning that you forget important dates and names or even how to do everyday activities like cooking or dressing—which can be very frustrating and scary. Our specialist care services are designed to help individuals manage these daily challenges, providing high-quality care that enhances their quality of life.

Family dynamics also start to shift as relatives often become caregivers, which can be stressful and demanding, and it requires a lot of patience and understanding as they help you with tasks that were once easy for your loved ones. This can then put a strain on relationships as everyone adapts to new roles and responsibilities. Our home care services offer hourly care and respite care to give families a much-needed break, ensuring that your loved one continues to receive high-quality care while you recharge.

Social interactions are also affected, as people with Alzheimer’s / Dementia may struggle to follow conversations or remember names—making social situations awkward or isolating, and they might withdraw from social activities they once enjoyed—leading to loneliness. However, if this is an area of stress, then home care can help alleviate some of the pressure by having dedicated care professionals come into your home to assist you and your loved one. Our care professionals also train to NVQ level standards in dealing with Alzheimer’s / Dementia, providing the best care possible.

Effective Communication Strategies for People with Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Dementia communication & support

Communicating with someone who has Alzheimer’s / Dementia can also be very challenging, but with the right strategies, it can become more manageable, as understanding their unique needs is critical. Our care team is trained in effective communication techniques, ensuring that your loved one feels heard and understood.

Understanding How to Communicate

People with Alzheimer’s / Dementia often struggle with memory, as you can see, with finding the right words and understanding what is being said to them. This can lead to a lot of frustration and confusion for both them and you—their caregivers. Our home care services include person-centred care which focuses on clear and compassionate communication, helping to reduce these frustrations.

Stay Calm and Patient

Please speak slowly and calmly, and give them time to process and respond. Our care professionals are trained to maintain a calm and supportive environment, ensuring that your loved one feels safe and secure.

Use Simple Language

Use short, straightforward sentences, and avoid complex words and lengthy explanations. This approach is a key part of our person-centred care plans, ensuring that communication is as clear and effective as possible.

Non-Verbal Cues

Support your words with gestures, facial expressions, and touch. Sometimes, a smile or a gentle touch can convey more than words. Our care team uses these techniques to enhance communication, ensuring that your loved one feels connected and understood.

Minimise Distractions

Try turning off the TV, radio, or other noisy devices. A quiet environment helps them focus better. Our home care services include creating a peaceful and supportive atmosphere, helping to reduce anxiety and confusion.

Repeat and Rephrase

If they do not understand, repeat or rephrase your message, and be prepared to say things more than once. Our care team is patient and understanding, ensuring that your loved one feels valued and respected.

Positive Tone

Try using a warm and friendly tone, as your tone of voice can reassure and calm them. Our care professionals are trained to use positive reinforcement and encouragement, helping to build a trusting relationship with your loved one.

Listen Actively

Pay attention to what they are trying to communicate, even if it needs to be clarified, as it shows that you value their efforts to talk to you. Our care team takes the time to listen and respond with empathy, ensuring that your loved one feels heard and supported.

What Are Some Ways to Manage Behavioural Changes?

Behavioural changes

Behavioural changes associated with this disease can be challenging for both patients and their caregivers. Understanding the root causes of these changes is the first step, as these changes might be due to medical conditions, medications, or emotional distress. Our specialist care services include comprehensive assessments to identify and manage these behavioural changes, ensuring that your loved one receives the best care possible.

Understanding Behavioural Changes

It’s essential to observe and identify any patterns or triggers. Keep a diary of when these behaviours occur and what might have caused them. This can help you understand the underlying issues and find ways to address them. Our care team in Stroud is experienced in managing complex behaviours associated with Dementia, offering person-centred care that addresses the unique needs of each individual.

Strategies for Management

Creating a calm and structured environment is critical as this can reduce stress and anxiety from building up and stop behavioural issues from occurring before they do as well. Consequently, establishing a daily routine helps provide a sense of stability, which is critical when combined with communication—speak clearly, calmly, and patiently, for instance. Our home care services include developing structured care plans that promote a sense of routine and security, helping to reduce the impact of behavioural changes.

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, managing behavioural changes can be overwhelming, and that is nothing to worry about or be ashamed of either. In this case, please do not hesitate to seek help from professionals. As home care providers in Stroud and South Cotswolds area, we can offer you valuable and much-needed support and guidance and help develop a personalised care plan that addresses your loved one’s specific needs. Our care services are designed to provide high-quality care at every stage, ensuring that your loved one receives the best support possible.

Support for Caregivers, How Home Care Agencies Can Help

Caring for a loved one is a rewarding but demanding role; this is where we can come in; as a home care agency in Stroud and South Cotswolds area, we can provide you with the vital support you need to ensure that you don’t have to shoulder the burden alone, and we can help in a number of areas such as offering hourly care and respite care, specialist dementia care, and palliative care, ensuring that all your care needs are met with the highest standard of professional care.

Emotional Support

Caring for someone can be emotionally taxing, and we really understand this. That is why our home care agency offers you emotional support by providing you with trained professionals who understand the challenges caregivers face. They can also offer a listening ear and practical advice and connect caregivers with local support groups as well. This emotional backing then helps to reduce your stress levels and prevents you from getting caregiver burnout. Our services in Stroud are designed to offer you the best care and support, ensuring that you and your loved one receive the care you need.

Respite Care

Everyone needs a break, and caregivers are no exception. Home care agencies, like ours, in the area offer respite care, allowing you, the primary caregiver, to take time off while knowing your loved ones are in safe hands. So, whether it is for a few hours, a day, or a more extended period, respite care ensures continuous, quality care while you recuperate. This time away then helps you recharge, improving your well-being and ability to provide adequate care, as a result. Our care services in Stroud and South Cotswolds area are designed to provide high-quality care, giving you peace of mind and the time you need to rest.

What is home care for Alzheimer’s / Dementia?

Home care involves professional carers coming to the person’s home to help with daily activities like bathing, dressing, and eating. Our home care services in Stroud provide person-centred care tailored to the unique needs of individuals with Dementia, ensuring that they receive the highest standard of care in the comfort of their own homes, and not just a number in that needs to wait to be treated as can happen in Nursing Homes, or a residential care home.

How do I choose a home care service?

Just get in touch with our team, and we will help you through the next steps—we are here to help you. Our care team in Stroud and South Cotswolds area is dedicated to providing the right care for your loved one, ensuring that all their care needs are met with professionalism and compassion.

Final Thoughts on Caring for Someone With Alzheimer’s / Dementia and Home Care Solutions To Help in Stroud

As you can see, caring for someone with Alzheimer’s / Dementia is a challenging but rewarding journey. Home care agencies can provide you with essential support when needed by offering you professional help and giving you some respite. Remember, it is necessary to take care of your well-being as well as that of your loved one, too.

So stay patient and compassionate, and seek help when needed. Together, with the proper support, you can ensure your loved one receives the best care possible, making their life and yours more manageable and enjoyable for years to come. In Stroud and South Cotswolds area, our home care services are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your loved one receives the highest quality of care.

Our Other Care Services

Types of Care

Our range of services can be ideal for many reasons. Some type of care that we can provide consists of giving good Senior care to a high standard in your own home from our friendly team to help you if you have or need the following, for instance:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Domiciliary care
  • Elderly Care
  • End-of-life Care
  • Palliative Care
  • Respite Care / Day Care
  • Social Care to get you out and about in your local community
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Stroke & Reablement Services
  • General Care
  • 24-Hour Around the Clock Care – with our Live-in care

For high-quality, personalised dementia care services that cater to your loved one’s unique needs, Home Instead Warwick is here to help. Our dedicated team provides the best care possible, ensuring peace of mind for families and the highest quality of life for those we serve.

Who Is Home Instead Stroud & Why Should You Choose Us?

Home Instead Stroud is built on empathy, skill, and a strong commitment to caring for older people. As one of the leading home care providers in the South Cotswolds, we offer a team of care assistants who are dedicated professionals trained through our City & Guilds Certified Alzheimer’s / Dementia care programmes. They are committed to making a positive impact on those affected by these conditions and fully understand the specialist care and support required for this disease.

As a dedicated home care company, we provide Dementia Care in Stroud with over 20 years experience, offering person-centred care tailored to the individual needs of each client within their own homes in the Stroud area.

Unlike dementia care homes, where the focus might be divided, our Stroud Home Care services aim to give you exceptional care services, supported by our Good Rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We cater to various needs, including companionship care, home help, personal care, overnight care, community care, dementia/Alzheimer’s care, palliative care, and more, all aimed at giving you the best care you deserve.

As one of the leading home care agencies in the area, we support our clients in maintaining their independence and quality of life while ensuring they can stay comfortably and safely in their familiar surroundings.

Our dedicated team of care experts, led by our Care Manager, prides itself on personalised care plans, highly trained care professionals, and a strong community presence.

Our head office is located at Suite 11 Westend Offices, Westend, Stonehouse, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, GL10 3SL

Contact Us

Every journey with Alzheimer’s / Dementia is unique, and our care is tailored to meet these individual needs. Get in touch with Home Instead Stroud to learn how we can support you and your family.